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Friday, June 30, 2023
A Question on Sedevacantism and a Response
Thursday, June 29, 2023
The Building
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The Building |
Once upon a time there was a shy little boy who sat and sang in the bed of a battered old blue truck. His singing voice was wonderful enough that he could put to shame any singer in the entire world. The person in charge of discovering singers in the kingdom hated The Boy. No one knew why. One man who knew The Boy but did not know that The Singer Discoverer hated him decided to take The Boy to the Discoverer to have him listen to The Boy's most beautiful singing.
Even though The Singer Discoverer hated The Boy, he took him anyway to The Palace to sing for The Great One. The Boy sang. All who heard him were astounded except the Singing Discoverer and The Great One. Their faces turned red with anger as they listened to a few verses that The Boy sang, then The Great One interrupted and roared that The Boy be flung into The Building.
When a Traitor to the U.S. Can Remain President and Congress Won't Impeach, You Know Freedom is Lost!
Ep. 7 Irony Alert: the war for democracy enables dictatorship.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 28, 2023
It's gone, folks. Do you even recognize the country these days? Look at history. Rome collapsed because of massive immorality. They lost the ability to protect themselves with their own legions, so they hired mercenaries with no fidelity to Rome. What happened next? The barbarian invasions. Well, we are in the midst of the barbarian invasions right now. We saw the barbarians marching with Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Part 7: Modernism and the Synod on Synodality - The Beat Goes On! And It's Not Sacred Polyphony!
The Synod on Synodality's General Meeting in October is shaping up to be the equivalent of hard metal rock! You won't hear Gregorian Chant or Sacred Polyphany coming out of the latest blather confab. What you will hear is plenty of modernist jargon about "walking together" and "co-responsibility" with laity (especially women). You'll hear about climate change, ecumenism, dialogue, and inculturation. You'll learn about "discernment, in the wealth of meanings that this term takes on within the different spiritual traditions." You'll hear about "having conversations in the Spirit." What you won't hear about is the salvation of souls, the obligation to preach the gospel in season and out, the spiritual work of mercy to "admonish the sinner," or any talk of salvation and the real problems facing the Church. If Jesus is mentioned even once, I have yet to find him buried in the blather.
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Monday, June 26, 2023
Part 6: The Modernist Synodalistas are Back. Some Things Never Change!
Modernists work the problem of "updating" the Church to conform to the world with predictable strategies. They aren't particularly creative; they just repeat the same thing over and over. Sad to say, these repetitive attacks seem to do the trick more often than not -- at least in the short term. The secular world uses them as well. Perhaps that's why they succeed so often. They appeal to the worldly. "Hey! Give them another crisis and we'll scare them into submission!" The message from the Modernists is a little different. "Give them another excuse for their favorite sins and we'll have them by the nose!"
Sunday, June 25, 2023
If You Want Truth about Gender, Listen to Mr. Rogers and Johnny Carson
Sunday Meditation: Pope Benedict's Prophecy
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Saturday, June 24, 2023
Tucker Episode 6: On Bobby Kennedy and some Media Fools
Ep. 6 Bobby Kennedy is winning
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 22, 2023
Guest Post: Biden administration: Abortion restrictions weaken military! by Bob Marshall
President Biden’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin claims (10/20/22) that failure to adequately fund expanded “reproductive health care,” (i.e. abortion or child homicide before birth) “will interfere with our ability to recruit, retain and maintain the readiness of a highly qualified force.” Secretary Austin wants abortions funded beyond current law which is limited to circumstances of life of the mother, rape, and incest.
Imagine General Dwight Eisenhower, head of all Allied forces against Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy, telling the Senate Armed Services Committee during World War II, that American troops will not invade Normandy (D-Day), Northern Africa (Operation Torch), retaliate for Pearl Harbor (Midway), or Fascist Italy (Sicily) unless troops and dependents have unfettered access to abortion! [Read more....]
Friday, June 23, 2023
Part V: A Pinch of Incense to Modernism -- How Accepting Ecclesia Dei, etc. Poisoned Principles
I started out this series bringing up principles. If someone calls you a person of principle, what do they mean? The American Heritage Dictionary defines principle as:
- A basic truth, law, or assumption.
- A rule or standard, especially of good behavior.
- The collectivity of moral or ethical standards or judgments.
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Baltimore Police Release video of Brutal Attack on Pro-Lifers
The two elderly men who were brutally attacked in this diabolical way continue to go to the Planned Parenthood and offer help to moms in crisis. You can read about the incident at LifeSiteNews. One of the deathscorts at the facility held the man's drink while he assaulted the men and, as the video shows, did nothing to help stop it. Hey, if it's okay to kill babies, it's okay to attack their peaceful defenders. Help the Baltimore police by spreading this video.
All Americans Are Equal, but Some Are More Equal Than Others -- Like Hunter Biden and the Biden Criminal Family!
Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 20, 2023
It's clear that America operates under a dual system of justice. Criminal families like the Bidens and the Clintons get one type of "justice." Their felonies are whitewashed and reduced to the level of parking tickets. Selling the United States out to foreign governments... you know...TREASON (the crime that got the Rosenberg's executed) is now nothing but a laughing matter for our tyrant class and their media sycophants.
Fortunately, there is ultimate justice and nobody who gets away with these evils now will get away with them in the end. I don't pray for anyone to go to hell, but the only prayer I can offer for those destroying our country and killing our children is this, "I leave them to you, O Lord. Treat them as You see fit."
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Part IV: Does the FSSP's Former Superior General, Fr. Josef Bisig, Practice Classic Indoctrination?
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St. John the Baptist in Front Royal where the Traditional Mass may no longer be prayed in the parish church that those who embrace tradition helped pay for. Talk about injustice! |
Fr. Josef Bisig recently was invited to speak in Front Royal at St. John the Baptist in response to the SSPX opening a chapel in nearby Linden. The conflict between the local parish and the chapel has, sadly, been acrimonious at times and unkind. I had friends who refused to sit at my table because I attend the chapel, which frankly I thought was strange. I have no doubt they will break bread with Protestants, but a fellow Catholic is an unwashed and unwanted "schismatic" and former friend. I still grieve the loss of their friendship and miss them at my occasional rosary luncheons with friends when we gather for fellowship and prayer. I console myself by uniting myself to Jesus who also lost friends.
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Part 3: From Ecclesia Dei, the Modernist Nose in the Sanctuary, to Traditionis Custodes, the Modernists Running the Show!
For earlier posts in this series on Modernism and the Traditional Latin Mass see:
Prelude: Is there a crisis in the Church?
Part 1 -- Ecclesia Dei and the Abandonment of Principles! Part I: A Little History
Part 2 -- Ecclesia Dei Part 2: The Motu Proprio is Infected with Modernism
Let's move on to examine Pope Benedict's efforts to improve the situation and restore the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) which he said was "never abrogated," although there were certainly massive efforts by Modernist bishops and priests to completely suppress it.
Recall that the 1988 motu proprio Ecclesia Dei Adflicta (EDA) of John Paul II did, in fact, promote modernism in subtle and not so subtle ways as I discussed in the previous posts. Benedict, with the motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum (SP), of 2007, offered hope for a serious correction and a move toward bringing the Traditional Latin Mass once again into the heart of the Church. Although the apostolic letter acknowledge the importance of the TLM and its role in saint-making, it failed to suppress modernist elements. Here's a bit from SP that praised the TLM:
Trans-horse Wins Triple Crown; Cis-horsepeople (those racists!) Complain and...
Monday, June 19, 2023
Ecclesia Dei Part 2: The Motu Proprio is Infected with Modernism
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Archbishop Lefebvre, warrior against Modernism! He preserved the traditional Latin Mass. |
Let's continue examining Modernism in light of Ecclesia Dei Adflicta (EDA), the document that established the Ecclesia Dei Commission in 1988. EDA allowed the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) communities to form beginning with the 15 priests who left the SSPX to establish the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP). Read part 1 for a little history about the conflict with Archbishop Lefebvre resulting in EDA which was obviously meant to destroy the SSPX using the archbishop's own priests as the weapon of Mass destruction. All of the other EDA congregations came later. Archbishop Lefebvre is the father of all the TLM communities that exist today. They were all born as a result of the SSPX and Lefebvre's fidelity to passing on what he had received. Without Marcel Lefebvre, the TLM would be a dead memory for the history books.
Sunday, June 18, 2023
Saturday, June 17, 2023
Dodgers Pride Event a Colossal Flop!
DODGER STADIUM-The “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” are recognized for Pride night to a mostly empty audience.
— Savanah Hernandez (@sav_says_) June 17, 2023
Two Dodgers fan nearby begin loudly booing after they’re announced:
Thought for the day from one of my favorite authors: Big Body, Big Mind, Big Faith!
Friday, June 16, 2023
Ecclesia Dei and the Abandonment of Principles! Part I: A Little History
SSPX seminary Econe, Switzerland |
Earlier this week, I wrote a post titled Is There a Crisis in the Church? That post was the beginning of a series on Modernism which is the plague eating at the heart of Holy Mother Church and has been for much of my life. I was in high school during most of Vatican II and lived through all the dissent over contraception that followed. I personally experienced the damage of the scandalous confusion of Modernism even leaving the Church for a short time between college graduation and my marriage a year later. What began as a tidal wave of scandal and confusion, has become a tsunami today.
Thursday, June 15, 2023
God Bless Tucker Carlson. He's one of the few in media willing to speak the unpopular truth!
Ep. 3 America's principles are at stake
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 13, 2023
The New All-Encompassing Divine Presence
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But if any man shall not fall down and adore, he shall the same hour be cast into a furnace of burning fire. Daniel 3:6 |
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Is There a Crisis in the Church? Duh! Is there a Law of Gravity?
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What's more effective - hacking at the branches or getting to the "root of the problem?" |
Let's ask some questions relevant to the situation Catholics are facing today?
The First question is fundamental. Is there a crisis in the Church? If you claim there isn't, you need to explain the reason for these and other sad realities:
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
I Disagree With Dr Edmund Mazza on Two Points re Russia & Mary (& Fatima)
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Great Coat of Arms Russian Empire 1721 - 1917 |
I disagree with Dr Edmund Mazza on two points given in his five part presentation, Russia & Mary: War & Peace (& Fatima).
I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the communion of reparations on first Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted and there will be peace.
In the first four of the five April-May 2023 sessions on Russia &Mary: War & Peace, Dr Mazza stated the Blessed Mother as saying the conversion of Russia. However during the fifth session he said conversion of Russia to the Catholic faith. At that point he admitted that the Blessed Mother never said the words "to the Catholic faith" but that's what she meant. She meant that, he said, because in 1917 the Catholic Church, when speaking of conversion, understood that conversion meant conversion to the Catholic Church. That's Dr Mazza's opinion, as well as the opinion of many others.
Monday, June 12, 2023
It's Monday. Got Humility? It does a body (and soul) good!
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Humiliation is good for the soul. It help us grow in the virtue of humility! |
Sometimes, I feel like a lunatic. (Please, no nasty comments from trolls.) Over the weekend we went to a grandson's soccer game, the last of the season. He made several goals and was very happy. As I sat on the side of the field chatting with my daughter-in-law, I asked if Charlie had made his First Communion. Normal question right? Well, it would be except we went to his First Communion in May. (How soon they forget!) I'd worry that I had Alzheimer's coming on except for the fact that I've always been absent-minded and often ask about things I already know. If I thought about it for thirty seconds I'd have the answer. But there I was, once more, humiliating myself. It's a reminder to stop and think! Which I would if I thought about it for a minute. Ah more humiliation.
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Ukraine Bombs Flood Shelter for Evacuated Civilians
First Ukraine destroys the dam. Then Ukraine bombs the shelter where evacuated civilians are staying Then Ukraine lies about it.
Reprinted with permission from RT
Ukraine hits flood shelter with UK-supplied missiles – Kherson officialAt least one person was killed, according to the acting governor of Russia’s Kherson region

Ukrainian forces have attacked several temporary shelters for people evacuated in the wake of the breach of the Kakhovka dam, the acting governor of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, said on Saturday morning, sharing pictures of the devastated facility.
The strike on the shelter on the left bank of the Dnieper River was carried out around 5am local time, allegedly using British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles, Saldo said in a statement. There was at least one casualty, a woman, according to preliminary information.
The COVID Vaccine: A Disaster that Keeps on Giving -- Injury to the Innocent and Wealth to the Guilty!
Have you considered the on-going disaster of the COVID vaccine? I keep seeing health issues among vaccinated friends and wonder how much is due to the devastation to their immune systems from the never-ending shots and boosters. Our bodies have an amazing capacity to resist disease and heal. But when you devastate the immune system, well, be prepared to be fertile soil for every illness, not just COVID. Since the rollout of the vaccines doctors are seeing an explosion of new autoimmune diseases. Add that to the sudden cardiac deaths mostly of young people. Here's a bit from an observational study:
Guest Post: Mato's New Wings, a Parable
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Want to fly like a hawk? All it takes is a few feathers. |
Friday, June 9, 2023
Really? The Russians Blew Up the Dam to Flood Their Own Territory? Get Real, People! Cui Bono?
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Kakhovka Dam breached with catastrophic flooding of Russian-held territory. |
I'm anti-war in general. History is filled with wars that could have been avoided, in fact, most of them. Even the American Revolution looks a little different if you go at it from the Tory point of view and cut a little slack for King George who wasn't nearly as evil as the winners of history often depict him. (Read the novel Oliver Wiswell and think about it.) On the other hand, I'm happy to have been born in the "land of the free and the home of the brave," even if we aren't very free these days and are sorely lacking in brave men and women. Look how the country responded to COVID. Brave? Stop laughing.
Thursday, June 8, 2023
The Elitists Promoting the Great Reset Use Fear to Manipulate and Control. Fight Back!
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
The FDA Lied and People Died!
Exposing the FDA’s Orwellian Lie About Ivermectin - Facts Matter via @epochtimes
— bluejay (@angrybluebird47) June 7, 2023
Life is a Challenge
Life is a challenge. Anyone who's lived beyond the age of reason knows it, even those too young to explain it. The Church certainly affirms it, calling life here on earth a "vale of tears." Psalm 23 recognizes "green pastures" but also acknowledges the evil we experience as we "walk through the valley of the shadow of death."
I've been reflecting on the different ways a person can look at life.
- There's the ultimate pessimist who says, "Life's a bitch and then you die." They seem to ignore every bit of joy and beauty around them and live in perpetual misery. I know a handful of people with that outlook. What a sad state!
- Then there's the "life is a soap opera" mode which has the ring of truth. Webster describes soap operas as "chiefly characterized by tangled interpersonal situations and melodramatic or sentimental treatment."
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Tucker's Back and Talking about the Attack on the Nova Kakhovka Dam
Glad to see Tucker on Twitter. I'll be watching every show. You can't trust the mainstream media. Don't bother trying.Ep. 1
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 6, 2023
God Bless Bishop Strickland! May His Tribe Increase.
15 seconds
15 seconds
Monday, June 5, 2023
You Can Watch "What is a Woman?" for free on Twitter!
This documentary is a must see! Watch it! Share it! Pray for all those psychologically disturbed and confused individuals who never learned about the birds and bees! And when you see the "pride" stuff at a store, ask the manager why we should be proud about those who engage in sickening practices like anal sex. Really, folks, that's what we're talking about. I could describe worse, but I won't.
What is a Woman available now for everyone:
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) June 2, 2023
Ivermectin Horse Gel Cured My Friend's Dog Bite
About a month ago an 85 year-old friend who had been a nurse all her life was bitten on the top of her left hand by her dachshund dog. She was MIA for three or four days then appeared with her arm in a sling and her left hand bandaged up. When I asked what had happened she said that she had been trying to give her little dog a pill. He hates being given pills so she had wrapped him in a towel to keep him still. As he was writhing about struggling to free himself of her and the towel he bit her, ripping back almost all the skin on the top of her left hand.
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Sunday Meditation: Feast of the Most Holy Trinity
It's a day to reflect on mystery. The Trinity is not totally outside our comprehension, although we can never fully reach the depths because it is supernatural, i.e., above nature. Our intellects are too small for it. Things in nature point to its reality and meaning, however. How can three persons be one?
Nature gives us a hint. For example a cell, the building block of life, has different elements that have different jobs. But it is only one cell. Atoms, which are even smaller, have, in fact, three basic element (with rare exceptions): protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Saturday, June 3, 2023
Of Graduation, the Christendom Chapel, and the SSPX
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Christendom College chapel on college graduation day. |
Our granddaughter graduated last Thursday from Chelsea Academy in Front Royal, VA. Mass and ceremonies were held at Christendom College on a beautiful sunny Spring day under a Mary-blue sky. My husband and I arrived about twenty minutes before Mass and entered the new church for the first time. It's very impressive from the outside, more like a European cathedral than a humble college chapel. It has a large foyer, a high choir loft, and and an imposing altar almost dazzlingly white.
Friday, June 2, 2023
Guest Post: Queer and Tranny Whack-a-Mole?
Thursday, June 1, 2023
Blasting Wokeness Through Song: I'm Just Sayin'