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Friday, July 28, 2023

Flee the Cities is Biblical. Is This One of the Reasons?

Jason Aldean's video went viral after the Left went berserk and accused him of racism. (Yawn!) That accusation is getting really really old. I like country music, and I give him two thumbs up for this song pushing back against the Left's violence, extremism, and police hatred. 

We moved out to the country after 9/11 responding to the Biblical admonition to "flee the cities." Leaving the D.C. area was one of the best decisions we ever made, and we've never looked back or regretted it for a minute. We traded chemically treated yards for fields of golden dandelions and white clover to feed the bees. We switched from milk produced at huge dairy farms where cows are medicated to buying a share in the cows milked by a Mennonite family. Every sip is like a milkshake. We shop for local produce and pick our own fresh of the vine or the tree. 

If you're ever near Woodstock, drop in for a visit. We'll introduce you to our "children": Buttercup, Whopper, Butterball, Lovey, Flapper, Flutter, Bonnie, and Honey Bun. We might even share a deviled egg and a piece of toast with Camp Kreitzer honey. Here in the "small town" of Woodstock, life is beautiful.


  1. We saw the writing on the wall in the mid 80’s. I had grown up in rural Maryland but had moved to Delaware as an adult where every last square inch of soil was being developed. My husband and I moved to ten acres in East Tennessee in 1990 and never looked back. After three years, however, I knew we had not moved far enough out. We are only three miles from the interstate, and over the years the intensity of the traffic noise has increased exponentially. But thanks be to God we are still in the south where at least a modicum of sanity prevails. Our visits back to Maryland and Delaware are now few and far between. Thank you for your kind invitation to stop in for a visit. It’s so wonderful to know there are kindred spirits living along the way!

  2. Never name your food

  3. Mary Ann, you have a nice place to live. Our area has been inundated with city residents pouring out after Covid, mainly New Yorkers, and now our streets are clogged, the crime rate is going up, and we can't afford most houses for sale, and the city folks can pay cash. We hardly recognize our town. Thanks to "Best Places to Live" articles, nice places to live are getting crowded and will lose what made them so great to begin with.

  4. We didn't trade anything. We were forced into poverty by Jewish bankers who took the farms and built evil corporations.
