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Thursday, July 13, 2023

Start Calling Out those who Promote Predatory Lust as Sex Traffickers and/or Enablers. That's What They Are!

Law enforcement should investigate every one of these folks. When you see people advocating the abuse of children you can bet the farm on the fact that they are benefitting from it in some way. 

How many sex traffickers contribute to the campaigns of these legislators? How many of the legislators themselves are involved directly in the porn industry?  How many rich elitists like Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama are up to their necks in the sex trade? 

Yes, there are stupid and ignorant enablers like family members who would rather court the approval of their sons, daughters, etc. than Almighty God's. 

But many of the celebrities and elitists shilling for the LGBTQ and abortion industry are probably deeply involved in the evils that are consuming our children. They are all big business! Love of money is the root of all evils. 

Call them out. Send them letters asking whether they are taking campaign donations from sex traffickers. If you go to a demonstration, take signs that ask the question. Gavin Newsom signed that bill in California reducing sentences for sex crimes against minors. Why? To help his buddies having sex with kids? Has he had sex with minors himself? How about this for a sign:

Hey, Gavin, why do you help predators raping minors?

It's time to ask those questions. 

Cui bono? 

Millions of children are being bought and sold on the meat market of sex trafficking. Pray and fight! 

St. Joseph, terror of demons and pillar of the family, protect our children!


  1. The devil is loosed.

    And he especially hates women and their children.

  2. "Millions of children are being bought and sold on the meat market of sex trafficking." Just call it immigration. Stop pretending its separate. Just say "immigration is sex trafficking." But who facilitates it all? Catholic Chatities.

    1. Jason, I wish I could take issue with your reply but I can’t. Catholic Charities is indirectly and possibly directly responsible for the enslavement and forced prostitution of immigrant children here and abroad. They are at the bottom of the list of “charities” I would donate to and as a Catholic, that’s something I don’t like.

  3. I've seen the movie, and sense my opinion differs for all (?), most(?) here, I'll refrain. But I would like to ask why all those from Hollywood involved in making the movie don't start rescuing children in their own backyard? I'm talking about child actors thrown into the cesspool of perverts in Hollywood. We all have known for decades what happens to child actors. They (actors, producers) all know what goes on in Hollywood. So start naming names. Or maybe losing your career is just too costly a price to pay.

  4. I think the lid is getting blown off this pit off creepy crawlies.

    The 2024 R nominee seems prepared to hi-lite the issue as a key theme of his campaign. For instance, in support such as this for those bringing the issue to the public through media like Sound of Freedom (etc).

    I can’t wait for tolerance and ignorance to be replaced with disgust and retribution.
