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Monday, July 31, 2023

Nobel Scientist is a "Climate Change Denialist!"

Pictures like this are part of the fear-mongering to hype the hysteria.

The latest hand-wringing terror talk is in progress. The U.N. head, António Guterres, recently stated, "The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.” And, of course, mankind is to blame and if we don't take immediate action the end is near. (Source) Gosh, how many times have we heard that?

Let's all just admit that this July was the hottest on record. Records have only been kept since the late 1800s. Really, folks, that's fewer than 200 years! That's like looking at a map planning a cross-country trip, seeing a tiny portion that goes through the mountains, and presuming that the entire journey will be uphill.

We know there was a medieval warming period and it certainly was not caused by humans. They call it an anomaly. How will future scientists evaluate this period?

Are we really all about to die in the "era of global boiling?" 

Frankly, I'm not losing any sleep over it. I've lived through too many politically-motivated panics to take this one seriously. The people screaming the loudest are making lots of money on the Chicken Little hysteria. No, Foxy Loxy, I won't go with you because the sky is not falling. It was just an acorn dropping off the oak tree.

But one thing is for sure, "Love of money is the root of all evil." And lots of the globalists are making buckets of money on the "climate change" hoax.

One Nobel laureate, however, is unperturbed by the climate hysteria and the Epoch Times featured this article:
EXCLUSIVE: 'We Are Totally Awash in Pseudoscience': Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist on Climate Agenda

Here's a bit from the article:

Nobel Prize-winning physicist John Clauser is not afraid to go against the flow....
"I believe that climate change is not a crisis," Mr. Clauser told the audience at Quantum Korea 2023.

He also described the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as "one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformation."

Mr. Clauser elaborated further on his views in his interview with The Epoch Times.

Contra the IPCC and other major institutions, he argues that climate is primarily set by what he refers to as the "cloud cover thermostat," a self-regulating process whereby more clouds start to enshroud the Earth when the temperature is too high, and vice-versa. Although he accepts observations showing that atmospheric carbon dioxide is increasing, he believes that gas's effect on heat transfer is swamped by a great natural cloud cycle.

"It [the carbon dioxide] may or may not be made by human beings," Ms. Clauser said. "It doesn't really matter where it comes from."

The physicist believes that objective science on climate has been sacrificed to politics. The preeminence of politics is all the worse, he said, because so much money has already gone to climate.

Clauser was scheduled to speak at the U.N. His talk was "delayed."  Think they'll ever reschedule it and let him get up to talk common sense to the climate hoax perpetrators? 

Don't hold your breath! 

We live in the era of hot air. It isn't coming from climate change, but from the mouths of elitists like Al Gore who spout their nonsense as they laugh all the way to the bank. Meanwhile, they want to take away our cars and make us all eat bugs while they fly around on private jets and eat filet at the French Laundry.


  1. There’s a very eye-opening post on nonvenipacem right now. In 2022, there was a massive volcano eruption 4,000 feet below, in the Pacific Ocean. One of the biggest volcano eruptions of all time and its aftermath has been emitting warm/hot air and moisture into the air, globally, into this year. A natural, act of God that in all likelihood is responsible for the hot weather this summer, rough summer storms, and the lack of snow this past winter. We sure didn’t hear about this important news when it happened and still aren’t hearing about it today. Like Saul Alinsky wrote: never let a good crisis go to waste and on that note, I’ll close and let everyone get back to the official state news about “man-made climate change.”

  2. Mary Ann, I just saw this today. There's a good possibility that this year's heat wave is actually caused by an underwater volcanic eruption. Very interesting.

  3. Hat tip to Mark Docherty who originally linked to one of my favorite blogs - Coffee & Covid - an article with a different take about the climate: not the atmosphere, the earth’s core … elevated activity, a generationally massive sub-oceanic volcanic eruption, as a result oceanic water temps rising and 50 trillion gallons of sea water vaporized into the ozone. It’s truly a fascinating read, and something I’ve never even thought of before (tend to take subterranean and especially the core for granted).

    Recommend this link specifically , and this blog in general in line with your topic.

  4. Ghost of the TruthJuly 31, 2023 at 1:44 PM

    Saw that volcano article too on Marks site.

    Also - CO2 0.004% of atmospheric gas. I might be missing a 0 too. MAN MADE CO2 is 0.0008 of the CO2….so tiring to put up with the globalists

  5. It’s been hot in some parts but it’s summer and it gets hot in the summer, but y’all, here in Tennessee, we haven’t had a single 100 degree day. We’ve had a few “feels like” but not one single triple digit on the thermometer. And it snowed end of April…

  6. The govt is doing climate change with weather manipulation tech to punish areas that voted for Trump.
