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Saturday, July 1, 2023

Give Me an Honest Atheist Any Day Over a Lying Liberal Catholic!

While I was looking for a post I wrote on After the Ball a few years ago, (The book by Kirk and Madsen outlining the strategy to normalize homosexuality and demonize those against it), I came across an old post that I thought was worth repeating. Its title? Give me an Honest Atheist Any Day Over a Lying, Liberal Catholic I wrote it in 2013, but could have written it this morning. I think you'll agree. Sad to say, I know many "lying, liberal Catholics" and some lying, liberal former Catholics. Some of them are so steeped in self delusion that I don't think they realize they are lying to themselves as well as others. That might be the most dangerous form of lying. Steeped in propaganda (They've swallowed the camel.), they seem to be true believers even about things that are obviously absurd -- like believing a man can give birth. Only real women and faux men, i.e., biological women playing dress up, can give birth.  But among liberals the degree of self delusion also known as insanity is endless!

At any rate, here's what I wrote almost a decade ago and not much has changed since then except for self-delusion and liberal lunacy becoming epidemic. We need to pray for all those who, in Chesterton's words, are so open-minded their brains are falling out! They are people of the lie and are destroying our culture and endangering our children. 

Give me and Honest Atheist Any Day over a Lying, Liberal Catholic 

I love good, honest atheists! And I've met a number of them. One was a young man counter protesting an Operation Rescue event in the early 90's in front of Planned Parenthood in Washington, D.C. He was shouting at us and calling us names, saying we were "stupid Christian bible thumpers." I got the impression he was an atheist, although I don't remember if he ever acknowledged it.

In fact, "bible thumper" that I am, I did have the good book in my backpack and told him I used it to help me develop my own philosophy of life. "What do you use?" I asked him.

"I think for myself," he answered.

"But what do you think about," I asked. "Do you have some a priori knowledge you were born with?" [Continue here....]


  1. Well, didn't St Thomas remark that [sexual] sin makes you stupid?

  2. Lying liberal Catholics are honest atheists. Their followers are just in denial that these men have admitted their atheism.

  3. What sets one (honest) apart from another (dishonest) is what the Bible has always referred to as “a soft heart” - a willingness, an eagerness, to value that inner conscience, that “still small voice, given to every created man; to listen to one’s conscience and then follow it into all Truth. Pagans have done so, even ex-Proddies line myself have done so following in my the footsteps of such as the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8: 26-40); or even (I would argue) the Three Wisemen (Matt 2:1-12 and God guarantees all created men a saving conscience “so that we are all without excuse” (Rom 1:19-20; Rom 2: 14-16; Acts 17:27; Ecclesiastes 3:11)
