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Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Butchers in the West's Empire Want Russia! They're Using Ukraine as a War Proxy Puppet.

The Ukraine/West lie machine continues to disseminate misinformation on a daily basis. If you still think Ukraine is winning you must be listening to the Left, their fraudulent media, and the brainless "fact" checkers who couldn't find their way out of a paper bag. 

Mundabor has an interesting article, The Butcher is Still Busy. And indeed the butchers (Joe Zelensky, Biden, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, et al will happily fight to the last dead Ukrainian. They have done everything to prevent peace talks and keep escalating the war until WW III is a distinct possibility. Read Mundabor's post. It's short and to the point. 

Then watch the video of retired Col. Douglas MacGregor being interviewed by London Real. He is a voice of intelligent in the midst of insanity. We have no business in a war 6,000 miles away, especially when the president and his son appear to have fraudulent relations with the Ukraine government and businesses. 

"The West has erected an empire of lies....Systematically we have lied about everything involving Russia and Ukraine for months if not years....Empires of lies create truth bombs and the truth bombs are beginning to explode....It's harder and harder to maintain the fiction that the Ukrainians are winning." 

The West hates Putin. The elitists hate him enough to risk WW III. The latest sending of cluster bombs is an incredibly immoral escalation. And it's being cheered on by the hawks in Congress who have no interest in a negotiated peace. They want a puppet government in Russia that will serve the Left with all the evils they promote.

We saw the same lies during the Vietnam War. Folks, we went to war there based on lies, and how many young Americans were cannon fodder for the warmongers then? Lots of people make lots of money off of war! They don't care how many die as long as they achieve their goals. Many of these people are Bolsheviks as MacGregor points out. The globalists are losing. 

What if your a globalist and you're losing....Do you do something stupid?....The Russian people are furious.... We should be grateful that Mr. Putin is someone capable of exercising restraint....Here we are ruled by emotion and that worries me.

Pray the rosary for peace before we start sending our sons and daughters as boots on the ground to fight for the elitists and their globalist goals thousands of miles away. We were not made to be sacrificed on the satanic altar of bloodlust. 


  1. I will never understand conservative &/or Christian people supporting the Ukraine war effort when right from the beginning it was instigated by Biden. If he, Pelosi, Schumer, Milley, etc were all for it, that was all of the information I needed to oppose it. I have watched MacGregor's excellent posts and have learned more about the situation there. But it didn't take much investigation to figure out that Ukraine is a third world dictatorship, and that the new 'president' had multiple very expensive homes throughout the world. He has no fear of losing because he will simply leave ASAP and head for his safest home to plan his next job. And yes, we do need to pray for peace and beg God to avert WWIII.

  2. Re: Only Our Lady

    There used to be a Marian devotion to which Christians ins resorted to under very difficult and complicated situations called Our Lady Undoer of Knots.

    I beg all to pray the rosary in supplication to Our Lady that she will unravel this most difficult of knots.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  3. "Fiction that Ukrainians are winning" - oh, it's from the same guy that half-a-year ago claimed that we Ukrainians were going to lose. But than again, MacGregor might just belong to that crop of officers that caused USA to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in Vietnam and Afghanistan.

    "The West wants Muscovy" - it doesn't. Nobody wants that territory, populated with descendants of Androphagi and almost wholly undeveloped with the exception of a few cities. The West is bothered by the fact that the corrupt gangster in charge tossed away decades of good petrodollar business and tried to play at being Hitler or Stalin - even the Hague tossed quite a few notices for the Muscovites to extradite their war criminals. Ultimately, this war truly revealed the character of Muscovy - a horde that has nothing to offer the world except rapes, genocides, theft and other war crimes. And it revealed the character of various types of Communist useful idiots - as despite Muscovy being responsible for most of the problems in Africa, South America, North America, Middle East, China and Europe, the useful idiots support Muscovy and think that the Muscovite cannibals are somehow "Christian" (I mean, they literally use Islamic terrorists to kill and bomb Orthodox Christians, but I know that the interpretation of "Christianity" is rather flexible in the hands of useful idiots and Muscovites). I expect the Muscovy supporters to also support China and Islamic terrorists when those move to destroy the West - what was the slogan of the past stooges of Communism? "Better red than dead"?

  4. If you are able to overlook salty language, there is an excellent episode of Macroaggressions this week about this very topic:

    Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, focusing on the work of Anthony Surton

  5. Re: "Muscovite cannibals"

    One does not promote the cause of peace by name calling. And peace is what is needed now in the Ukraine. Ukraine is dying. Before the war the culture of death had produced a declining population. It has lost a generation of young men in the fighting. Another 10-15 million have fled the country and do not appear to be coming back. Meanwhile Blackrock is buying up the incredibly rich farmland vacated by the refugees.

    Have you joined the Ukraine Legion yet? Have you taken the place of one of those Ukraine boys destined to die? Or are you still hiding behind your keyboard?

    If you insist on promoting war then find some courage and go fight.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  6. Mr Wildwoods

    Thank you for the link.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  7. Richard,

    "One does not promote the cause of peace by name-calling" - I'm simply stating what Muscovites really are. The real reasons for the war started when USA and most of Europe didn't even exist, when Muscovites decided that the legacy of another people - the Rus (who are actually Ukrainians) - was needed to be stolen in order to produce a grand imperial mythology. So long as we Ukrainians exist, Muscovites cannot hope to complete the theft and so, they will always be genocidal towards us. I understand that primitive minds are confounded by great geopolitical and historical truths, but understand this. There is no peace. If Ukraine lays down it's arms, Muscovites will genocide it - just like it did during Tsarist Muscovy and Soviet Union. The only peace is by Muscovy laying down it's arms - since anything except direct physical consequences/force is not understood by the Muscovite cannibals, they would have to be disarmed. Like it or not, this is the only way peace will come. Even the likes of Karl Marx wrote specifically about that, when he was covering another war over Crimea in New York Tribune.

    "It has lost a generation" - lost very little compared to Muscovy, through, I'm told, the useful idiots of Muscovy are full of wishful thinking. "Joined Ukraine Legion" - and when will you purchase your ticket to Muscovy? I'm waiting. Or are you afraid of getting the same exact fate of a fellow Muscovite useful idiot, Willi Munzenberg? If you insist on supporting Muscovy and repudiating the evil, capitalist, bourgeois America, than it's only fair that you go live in Muscovy or one of it's allies, such as Cuba, North Korea, Belarus and Eritrea. Stop being hypocritical, Richard. Buy your ticket and discover the joys of living in a country without gas, electricity, capitalism and human rights (don't be fooled by the big cities, most of Muscovy doesn't have gas and electricity). Better red than dead, right?

  8. Mr. Sviatoslav
    Re:"Muscovite cannibals" - 2

    You are a coward. You are also a murderer. Today Ukraine boys will be killed fighting brother Slavs. Their blood will be on your hands. And the hands of your fellow Pagan Nazis. You, coward that you are, advocate for their deaths from the safety of your anonymous keyboard while also hiding behind the name of a historical figure.

    At the same time, to ensure endless war, you dehumanize the Russians with name calling like "Muscovite cannibals". You Pagan Nazis in the past also dehumanized, among others, Americans, Britons, French Poles, Russians, Jews, Gypsies and those who had "life not worthy of life. You Pagan Nazis have always loved eugenics as much as you have loved war.. And now the world faces annihilation by nuclear war because you Pagan Nazis continue to lust for blood. If you are a man leave the safety of your keyboard, take the place of a Ukraine boy and go fight.

    Only peace can save Ukraine. And only Our Lady, untier of knots, can bring it about. I beg all to pray the rosary for peace in the Ukraine. And to save us from annihilation by nuclear war.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  9. "You are a coward" - projection, much? Looks like you're unraveling in here.

    "Brother Slavs" - wow, so you think that we have something in common with Finno-Ugric Androphagi that are speaking a foreign Bulgarian dialect? The Muscovites are not Slavs just like Romanians ain't Romans. Pan-Slavism isn't true, Richard. Slavs don't have a notion of brotherhood with other Slavic nations solely on the account of shared linguistic group, just like Brits and Germans don't, despite both speaking Germanic languages.

    "Pagan Nazis" - we're literally one of the very first Christian countries on record (narrowly beating out Armenia, actually) and have fought against the actual Nazis, but I'm seeing that your interpretation of history is rather flexible. And lacking in facts... "Lovers of eugenics" - wow, this is just sad. Considering that Hitler's policies came from the the American racists - the only thing we have in common with eugenics is that Hitler stole one of our old ethnonyms (Aryan) for his own use, not understanding what that word actually meant. Of course, he also derided us as inferior untermenschen - and the result of that we already know. "Now the world faces annihilation by nuclear war" - just like it "faced annihilation" after Chechnya or Afghanistan? Was the world annihilated when Communism threatened the world? Better red than dead for you, I see. "Leave the safety of your keyboard" - wow, you must be angry about my advice to go to Muscovy. But aren't you tired of the evil West?

    "Only peace can save Ukraine" - indeed, through given how the war is going, Muscovy requires that saving more. "Only Our Lady can bring it about" - yes, through I doubt that pagan Muscovites will listen to her. That cargo cult of Byzantine Christianity can only do so much for people who were literally sacrificing travelers in order to bring the rain in 1860's. That was in Orlovskaya Gubernia, Richard - a stone's throw from Moscow and Smolensk. Finno-Ugric paganism in Muscovy survived until Bolshevism - and by far most of the rural population that Muscovy contained was never Christian. Or even spoke the Muscovite language - the neighborhoods of non-Muscovite-speaking Merya in Muscovite cities were only eradicated by Catherine the Second. So much for "Slavic brotherhood"...

  10. Mr. Sviatoslav
    Re:"Muscovite cannibals" - 3

    I am not advocating for the ongoing slaughter of Ukraine youth. Instead I am advocating for an immediate cease fire followed by a just peace. I have done so since the second day of the special military operation. You, OTH, call for bloody war. You do so from the safety of your keyboard. This is the act of an abject coward. A craven coward.

    If Ukraine is to survive there must be both peace and a return of its farmlands from the hands of the international financial cartels - principally Blackrock. But if you insist on fighting to the last Ukraine boy then leave the safety of your keyboard Ukraine and join the Ukraine Legion.

    And for anyone who is not a warmongering, anti-Christian, Pagan Nazi then I beg you to pray the rosary in veneration of Our Lady for peace. Only she fan save Ukraine.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  11. Richard,

    "I'm not advocating for the ongoing slaughter of Ukrainian youth" - you do, since if we lay down our arms, there will be no more Ukraine. Muscovites openly said so thousands of times and we've no reason to disbelieve them. "Act of an abject coward" - wow, it tries to double down on the insults, despite already being called out on it's hypocrisy. You might wanna remember that you're quaking about "WW3" and, as such, hurrying to give whatever dictator rattles the nukes what they want, despite being located on another side of the world. Just like the rest of your "better red than dead" bedfellows. I suppose you'll be installing a shrine to North Korea's ruling family if they threaten the world - remember, Richard, they have a 1,5 million-strong army and nukes! I know you believe in nukes more than you believe in God) The practical atheists are all like that) Oh, and get this - you're also so cowardly, you're somehow afraid of the suckiest and most unmaintained army in the world (yes, the Muscovite one was always so) and their equally-unmaintained nukes. "Insist on fighting to the last Ukrainian boy" - well, leave it to a coward who gave up his culture to the Communists without a single shot being fired to deride people, who fight for the freedom of their country. Are you envious?

  12. Mr. Sviatoslav
    Re:"Muscovite cannibals" - 4

    You claim to be Ukrainian. You are also a pagan, anti-Christian Nazi. Your Nazi led country is at war. Yet you are safely sitting it out. Hiding behind your key board. Hiding behind your anonymous handle.

    Abject coward is the best, indeed, only way to describe you. (And it is said that God hates a coward.) As a coward and a warmonger you have neither credibility nor moral weight. What you say matters not. Go fight if you want to be listened to.

    What matters is prayer. Above all the rosary. Wherein we beseech the intervention of Our Lady, the untier of knots, for peace in Ukraine. No more dead Slavic boys - either Ukraine or Russian.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford
