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Sunday, April 30, 2023
Sunday Meditation: How God Provided Priests in Front Royal during the COVID Lockdowns and Led Them to Stay
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Can the Devil Tell if Mary Is a Woman?
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Woman of the Apocalypse Revelation 12 |
When the Blessed Mother isn't busy beating Lucifer back with a club or stomping on top of him while sticking a sword down his throat, she's the sweet doe-eyed mother of Christ, gently cradling him in her arms. Lucifer isn't fooled by her sweetness since he's the recipient of her motherly no-prisoners taken, sword-wielding protection over the Child Jesus.
Satan knows Mary's power. He hates her. Wants to destroy her, kill her. He will not serve God because of her since he wanted to be the highest of all created beings...of all God's creatures he wanted to be the highest. He wanted to be Mary! But God chose a humble human woman to be the Christ Bearer. The indignity of it all! Lucifer's "I will not serve!" not only means a rebellion against God but also an intrinsic hatred of the Blessed Mother. Of women.
Friday, April 28, 2023
Fascinating Article at Breitbart about FOX Dumping Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino -- They Weren't Fired!
"They All Swarmed Around You Like Vultures!" Matt Walsh to "Jazz" Jennings
"Jazz" Jennings posted a tweet calling out Matt Walsh for hating LGBTQ people because of his criticism of what's been done to Jazz, mostly by his mother. Watch the initial video here. Jazz responded and here's Matt's second video.
You can agree or disagree with Matt Walsh, love him or hate him. I'm a bit ambivalent, because I think sometimes he lacks charity. I think calling the shooter in Tennessee a "monster" is a judgment for God. What she did was monstrously evil, but only God can judge what led her to that evil act and the state of her soul.
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Thought for the Day: Politics Can Not Save Us
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
The West, as Deserved, is Rapidly Losing World Hegemony
"With countries that have nothing further to offer than more Marxist Communism, triumph belongs to countries that bring with them treasures of the future." In other words, the West (15% of the world's roughly 200 countries) is finished while the rest of the world (85%) rises.
“Without moral stamina, without public virtue and public spirit, without self-sacrifice, it is impossible to retain the front rank, as it would have been impossible without these to achieve that position. A race (country) that does not continue to possess these qualities, in the very highest degree, is doomed to failure.” - David Mills
Goodbye globalist USA and West. Hello multilateral Russia and the rest of the world.
Below is Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's April, 24, 2023 UN speech.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Play it again, Sam: The SSPX is NOT in Schism!
Read Maike Hickson's article at LifeSiteNews.
Pope Francis said SSPX priests ‘are not schismatics’: retired Swiss bishop
When They Lie about History, Don't Nod Your Head Like a Bobblehead Doll!
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Mary Tudor, Queen of England 1553-1558 |
Monday, April 24, 2023
Is This Why Tucker Was Fired?
Nobody in main stream media talks like this…
— Rob Wood (@coachrobwood) April 23, 2023
Interesting Day for Don Lemon and Tucker. Carlson
I laughed when I saw that Don Lemon was fired from CNN today. A loser station fires a loser employee. No loss there.
Then I saw that Tucker Carlson has parted ways with Fox. Wow! Good-bye Fox as far as I'm concerned. Tucker Carlson Tonight was the only show I watched. My husband figures Fox tried to tell Tucker what he can and cannot say. Maybe. He seems pretty independent and with his following he can go independent.
What a day!
It will be interesting to see what happens next.
I had a horrible thought while I was fixing dinner. what if Don and Tucker start a show like the old Hannity and Colmes. I shocked my husband by saying out loud. "NO! NO! It's too horrible to think about!"
Not to worry, though. My husband says it will never happen. I sure hope he's right. But I'll miss Tucker tonight. Guess I'll read a book or wash my hair.
If You Are Married or Egaged, Watch This Excellent Video.
I stumbled on this video yesterday while looking for something else. But I'm always interested to listen to both Kennedy Hall and Fr. Ripperger.
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Sunday Meditation: Make Friends with the Saints! Then Imitate Their Love for the Least Ones!
Most days I read Butler's Lives of the Saints as part of my morning prayer. I usually check out the main saint of the day. Often five are six are listed and I just browse the others. Yesterday's entry focused on two pope martyrs from the 2nd and 3rd centuries, Saints Soter and Caius. Wouldn't it be a blessing to have a pope today willing to die for the faith while defending the sheep instead of persecuting the sheep by attacking the faith. So sad.
I've decided to immerse myself in one saint at a time for awhile. My first choice is Padre Pio. I'm on my second book and I absolutely love him! Talk about a man who suffered for the flock. Everyone who ever went to him for confession became his spiritual child. Some of them received visits from him by bi-location even before they met. When they later travelled to the Capuchin monastery at San Giovanni Rotondo they recognized the unknown monk who had appeared to them with messages of hope.
Saturday, April 22, 2023
It's Up to You: Choose to Be Happy!
This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 |
I used to know a woman at my parish in Alexandria, VA who was always grumpy, always complaining, and as rude as could be to those around her. I'll call her Grumpy. She was elderly and no doubt had medical issues and other problems. But she wasn't, as far as I know, mentally ill or suffering from dementia. She just seemed to revel in being miserable and spreading her misery to others. And then she wondered why people avoided her. It was a head-shaker. Really, Grumpy, you treat people with disdain and rudeness and wonder why they don't want to spend time with you? Hello? Reality calling!
Thursday, April 20, 2023
On Useless Arguments
Having blogged for many years, not to mention spending time on social media, my rueful observation is that an incredible amount of time is spent in pointless (and boring) arguments. I post almost all comments except from a few banned trolls and slanderous attacks. I won’t, for example, post general attacks on all priests as abusers. Yes, tragically, there are bad priests, but most are sincere men working for the salvation of souls.
Thought for the Day from St. Peter of Alcantra
St. Peter of Alcantra was a contemporary of St Theresa of Avila. What a difficult time for the Church, the mid 16th century. Much like ours today with so many rebelling against the truth and rejecting the faith. St. Peter responded by living in habitual union with God. He makes me think of Padre Pio.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Thought for the Day: Read Daniel 3
I love the litany of thanksgiving in Daniel 3. And what a time of year to pray it. Every time I go outside I glory in all the gifts of the Spring. Despite the darkness of our culture, the Lord continues to lift our hearts with the beauty of His creation. All the earth testifies to the truth that God made the world and calls us, as the apple of His eye, to worship and give Him thanks. Below is Daniel 3, from verse 53 to 87. But I invite you to recite your own litany as you go about your daily chores, especially outside. Here's the beginning of my personal litany:
Blessed art thou, O Lord, in the redbuds, the dogwoods, the bluebells, the daffodils, the dandelions and all the flowering plants and trees; praise and exalt Him above all forever.
Monday, April 17, 2023
Exorcist calls Nefarious the best film on exorcism! Go see it!
I saw the film today and it should earn an Oscar for Sean Patrick Flanery who plays the possessed criminal.
COVID Jab: The Killer that Keeps on Giving!
Sunday, April 16, 2023
It's Divine Mercy Sunday: Please Pray St. Faustina's Chaplet for Our Poor Church
By David Martin
On December 17, 1936, the renown mystic St. Faustina, known for her role in establishing the devotion to the Divine Mercy, penned two entries into her diary which warrant close examination today. Entries 823 and 824 appear to be closely related and occur chronologically without interruption. Without further ado, the first part of her statement [entry 823] is as follows.
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Some Things Are Worth Repeating: Embrace the Eucharist and Make Frequent Holy Hours
Friday, April 14, 2023
Fr. Tom Collins: The Injustice of the World's Secularist Social Justice!
- The brutal barbaric butchering of pre-born babies in utero;
Thursday, April 13, 2023
The Epoch Times Inspires a New Hobby!
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Every night the Political Prisoners from January 6th Sing the Star Spangled Banner
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
What a Difference a Year or Two Makes! Will the Real COVID Killers Please Stand Up.
Doctors Around the World Say It's Time to Stop the Shots
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Military finds higher incidence of heart problems after COVID shot. More info at Virus Impact |
COVID was a terrible disaster and a tragedy -- but it didn't have to kill as many people as it did. There were effective treatments that rescued the infected from the jaws of death, even those who were especially vulnerable. Some doctors who worked in nursing homes didn't lose a single patient. Why? Because they were willing to ignore Fauci and use "unapproved" protocols that limited the ability of the virus to replicate, reduced inflammation, and boosted immune response. What a novel idea! Treat the disease!
Monday, April 10, 2023
This is Why they gave Big Pharma Liability Protection. They Can Kill with NO Consequences!
Hearts Destroyed by Myocarditis: "This Spike Protein Is a Killer"
— bluejay (@angrybluebird47) April 11, 2023
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Truth Speaks to the Heart - An Email from a Friend
Editor's Comment: I received this touching email from a friend after she read Two Clear-Sighted Articles about Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX Controversy which I posted a few days ago. She was originally concerned about my attending the SSPX Masses, but has since changed her mind. Why? Because she does the research. She is a persistent truth-seeker and I'm privileged to call her friend.
Friday, April 7, 2023
Guest Post: A Paradoxical Reversal - The Crisis in the Church
Fr. Tom Collins: Why Jesus Had to Undergo the Crucifixion
Thursday, April 6, 2023
We Knew Church Militant Would Implode: "It's a Sinking Ship!"
Fr. Tom Collins: The Seamless Garment of Evil
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Triumph of the Virtues - Andrea Mantegna 1502 |
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
What Ukraine's History Teaches Us about BLM and Antifa and January 6th!
I've been watching the video Susan posted the other day called Ukraine on Fire. What an eye-opener. It dispels the notion that there are no Nazis in the Ukraine. The Neo Nazi extremists are legion, they are integrated into the government, and have been fomenting violence in the area for decades. Since the "Orange Revolution" in the early 2000s fascist groups, some of whom worked with our own CIA, have infiltrated crowds to achieve the same results as the January 6th protests. And watching the mob violence from the Maidan protests brought back scenes from the BLM/Antifa riots.
There is nothing new under the sun!
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
There's a Difference Between the Image of God and the Likeness of God
Recently President Biden said that transgender people are made in the image of God. While in transgender people the image of God is vastly distorted, that image of God still exists, therefore President Biden's statement is correct, but only partially. The second part of "being made in the image of God", that is, also "being made in the likeness of God", is missing from the White House's statement, and therein lies the not so complicated comprehension of whether a person, made in God's image, represents being made in the likeness of God as well when they're in a state of mortal sin.
Let's Hope Glenn Beck is not a Prophet! Things aren't looking good if he's right!
Unfortunately, Glenn Beck is often absolutely on target. Which means we all better be on our knees preparing like the people of Nineveh for some very rough times. God often uses chastisement to bring us to our knees, so let's not fear it, but do what the people of Nineveh did. Now if only dear leader would be the one to put on sackcloth and ashes and call for the people of the United States to do penance. I don't think we'll see that sad to say. No matter what happens, keep the faith!
Ukraine on Fire: Western Interference or Russian Aggression - You Decide
Monday, April 3, 2023
Guest Post: It's Time to Restore All Things in Christ
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Two Clear-Sighted Articles on Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX Controversy
Saturday, April 1, 2023
More Violence from Leftist Thugs: They Call Others Fascist While They Engage in Fascist Attacks.
Were the 1993 Stations of the Cross with a Female Jesus an Early Push for "Transgenderism" in the Church?
Don't be silly, you are probably thinking. The "transgender" movement is recent, only the past few years.