Today we met at my house for a Mexican lunch and the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary in honor of the feast of the Visitation. I also copied an election prayer off Catholic Online and invited all the ladies to pray it daily and share it with others. Let's face it -- our country is in a mess and we need divine assistance to prevent living the fulfillment of Mary's warning at Fatima when the sun appeared to plunge toward the earth. Many people believed it was the end of the world. Was it Mary's preview of what would happen if her messages were ignored? Some people believe it was prophetic. Read the approved apparitions of Akita. They present a fearful vision of punishment in the form of fire from the sky if mankind does not repent. Will we see a heavenly body, perhaps a comet, plunge into the earth if we don't repent? Do you see many signs of repentance? I don't! It's better to do God's will out of love for Him, but if fear is the only thing that will motivate people to repent, God will certainly provide an appropriate chastisement! Suffering here is preferable to eternity in the fires of hell.
Are you praying the rosary? Have you consecrated yourself to Mary? Have you answered Mary's invitation to make the five first Saturdays? We should all be doing this.
But I'm suggesting one specific thing today. Pray the election prayer before you say your rosary and invite others to do it as well. You can print a page here that gives you two copies. You can run it off and share it with others.. We need godly leaders. Think of the power of thousands or tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands asking the Lord to guide us in the decisions we make this November. Perhaps we would see a Constantine rise up to defend the Church. Lord, save us!
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