Et tu, Benedict Cumberbatch?! |
Yet, even though the sex of a child is fixed at the instant of conception through the paired XY (male) or XX (female) twenty third chromosomes, New York City’s mayor Bill de Blasio is furthering the Communist Party's agenda of gender equality with his official recognition of 31 genders of people, 29 (because man and woman are already known genders since the Creation) of which believe they are not what they are at all but only something made up in their disordered minds.
St. Francis de Sales said, “Do not desire not to be what you are", yet here we have 29 new genders (28 really because the list has Gender Bender twice) of humans thinking they are something he or she never can be, therefore never will be for all eternity.
Below are pictures of Genders 11-21. I couldn’t bear to include the normal genders of man and woman among the disordered genders as if they (man and woman) are to be considered as equal to disordered pride. Therefore Genders 17 and 18 are a married man and woman trans couple.
Gender # 11 - MTF men |
Gender # 12 - Non-OP man |
Gender # 13 - Hijra men |
Gender # 14 - Pangender woman |
Gender # 15 - Transsexual man |
Gender #16 - Trans Person man |
Gender # 17 and Gender # 18 - Woman and Man
The man on the left became a woman and
the woman on the right became a man.
They are husband and wife,so he became
her and she became him....or something.
Gender # 19 - Butch woman |
Gender # 20 - Two-Spirit man |
Gender # 21 - Trans men |
Continued tomorrow with Genders 22-31 including Gender Benders for the second time...
I was actually surprised they kept that seen in Zoolander 2 as it basically mocks the transgender thing. But maybe the bright lights of Hollywierd aren't smart enough to figure that out.