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Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Republican Platform: Keeping First Things First!

I think this is the best article yet re the upcoming election and how one should vote. There really is only one choice. 

Donald Trump and the Sovereign Rights of God

Barbara Farrah summarizes some of the positions already presented over the last few days, but she also points to Kennedy Hall's view which goes beyond politics.

Farrah's summary of the situation adds another thoughtful perspective to your discernment. Here's just a bit of what she writes:

Friday, August 30, 2024

What We Can Learn From the Hummingbird Wars!

I have a hummingbird feeder hanging near my office window, a source of much amusement. One little female has delegated to herself the role of sentry. She feeds and then sits on the tippytop of the pole holding the feeder. From there she dive bombs other hummingbirds (mostly other females) to keep them from feeding. Occasionally, a ruby-throated male drops in for a drink, but most of boys apparently have already begun migrating. The females usually remain a bit longer, so the war is usually among the girls. Seems like a lot of wasted energy for nothing but territorial rivalry.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Can a Catholic Vote for the "Lesser of Two Evils"?: Roberto de Mattei Weighs In on U.S. Election

Catholics and the U.S. Presidential Elections: Donald Trump clearly is the choice from a Catholic perspective - by Roberto de Mattei

There is a Catholic doctrine of the lesser evil that can be summarized in these terms: 

1. One can never positively and directly commit even the slightest evil; 


2. to avoid a greater evil, one may tolerate a lesser evil committed by others, provided one does not approve of it as such and remembers the existence of a greater good to strive for. 

This doctrine is fundamental for orientation in a confused age in which the notion of the principle has been lost: “Bonum ex integra causa, malum ex quocumque defectu”(St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae I-IIae, q. 18, a. 4 ad 3).

Will Our Interference in Ukraine and Elsewhere Bring World War III to Our Shores?

Since Ukraine invaded the Kursk region of Russia earlier this month, the drive-by media has cheered and advanced the on-going myth that Ukraine is winning the war. Any success up to now, of course, is because of the support of the West with billions of dollars and military equipment poured into a notoriously corrupt country with absolutely no accountability. How much of the contents of American taxpayers' raided wallets ended up in offshore accounts? Nobody knows! And the Biden/Harris administration doesn't seem to care. But that doesn't keep stupid politicians like Lindsey Graham from joining the Democrat war machine and demanding more and more and more. Graham acts like a ten-year-old playing cops and robbers. I used to respect him; but he's just a political hack who looks like a member of the Keystone Cops waving his gun and then shooting himself in the foot. As for the Democrats in general, represented by demented Biden, they oppose each escalation until they say yes. They pose a serious danger to every American. God help us if Harris wins. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Bob Marshall Writes "Trump: The lesser of two evils, still an obligatory choice."

Yesterday I posted a link to Edward Feser's article about the election and the dilemma it poses for social conservatives. Today, I offer Bob Marshall's thoughtful perspective. Bob was a Virginia state delegate for many years, often described as the "conscience of the Virginia General Assembly". He was ousted by a transexual who campaigned with ads putting on his dressup makeup to masquerade as a woman. Certainly doesn't say much for the intelligence of the voters in Bob's district.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Our Salvation is Not in Politics! Trump is not our Savior.

Hugging the flag is no guarantee you won't betray your base.
Hold politicians accountable, including former President Trump.

Salvation is not in politics and Trump is no Savior of the Republic. He is certainly not in the same diabolical class as the Marxist duo of Harris and Walz. Nevertheless, he has already betrayed his pro-life base and apparently motivated J.D. Vance, a Catholic, to join him in embracing the intrinsic evil of IVF. How many babies are living now in freezer orphanages abandoned and forgotten?

Monday, August 26, 2024

Get Ready for the Death of Free Speech if Harris/Walz are Elected!

Harris/Walz, the most extreme ticket in U.S. history a clear and present danger to free speech!

Over and over again we've seen the Marxist left label a factual report as a hoax or a conspiracy theory or disinformation. Then of course, we find out it was all true all along and the disinformation was, in fact, a conspiracy coming from the Democrats enabled by their flying monkeys in the media.  All those "fact checkers?" They wouldn't know a fact from a flatworm. And now we know that those so-called "conspiracy theories" were true. When Democrats make a statement, you'd be wise to believe the opposite which is probably closer to the truth.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday Meditation: Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus Christ to Fight Our Cultural Insanity!

God's Providence is impeccable! A two-year-old study of the Shroud of Turin recently published by the Daily Express presents us with the Holy Face of Christ. Using the negative image from the Shroud, the scientists have given us a recreation of the Holy Face of Jesus. Not only does the image reflect numerous icon images created throughout the centuries, but he looks almost identical to previous images from the Shroud circulating for years. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Michelle Obama Speech Part 2: Selling "the same old con."

Is history repeating itself in Chicago? Harris/Walz are leftist extremists!
Where will they take the country if they no longer need to pretend to be moderates?

Part 1 here

The second half of Michelle's propaganda speech transitioned into "the same old con" the Democrats have been spouting since Trump steamrolled over them in 2016. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Hypocrisy on Steroids: Michelle Obama's Speech at the DNC (Part 1)

I watched Michelle Obama's speech out of curiosity well aware that "curiosity killed the cat." If one could die from an overdose of hypocrisy, I'd be dead now. The hypocrisy meter began rising from the first minute into her speech when when Michelle described the magic spreading across "this country we love."

Really? She loves our country? 

I have no doubt the Obamas love the power and wealth they've harvested from the taxpayers, but the country? From sea to shining sea with all those fly-over deplorables in middle America?

Remember when Michelle said this:

The Gift of Housework that Takes Me Down Memory Lane

I've never hired household help and have never wanted it. I'm uncomfortable with people fussing around while I'm home, so I'd rather do it myself. Does anyone actually like housecleaning? Probably not, but it's an opportunity to pick up a pin for the love of Christ, the little way of St. Therese. So I look for ways to turn a never-ending chore into a garden of delight.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Justice in this Country under the Corrupt Democrats is Dead!

89-year-old death camp survivor, 6 other pro-lifers face 10+ years in prison on FACE Act charges

How many January 6ers still languish in prison without trial? How many violent criminals are released on our streets without even paying bail under the corrupt system of injustice instituted by the Democrats? How many Antifa and BLM rioters who injured police and destroyed over a billion dollars worth of property set one toe in jail?

If you want to live in a corrupt, Democrat tyranny just vote for Harris/Walz. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Anti-Trump Freak Show in Chicago Has Begun

I didn't watch the opening night of the Democrat convention. There's only so much nausea a person can stomach. I did however go to last night's six-plus-hour yawn-fest on YouTube and scroll through it. The first thing I noticed was the absence of American flags. No surprise there. The modern Democrats hate America! The flag to them is an abomination to be burnt, trod upon, and ripped to shreds along with the "one nation under God" it represents.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Here We Go Again...Be Scared; Be Very Scared!

Do you trust the World Health Organization? Information about monkeypox is that it is a generally mild disease and that most people have little risk of contracting it. That info comes from the National Health Service in the UK.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Meditation: "Soon we shall die and all memory [of us] will have left the earth."

"Soon we shall die and all memory of those five [who fell from the bridge] will have left the earth; and we ourselves shall be loved for a while and forgotten." 

That quote from the last chapter of The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder struck me this afternoon as I sat on the front porch reading and listening to the rain. How silly it is to take ourselves too seriously. Most of us will soon be forgotten after we die, even by members of our own family. I only know the name of one of my great grandparents, John Schneider. I know almost nothing about him or about his wife. I know the names of a few of my grandmother's siblings on my dad's side. Uncle Edgar was a Jesuit who I met once or twice, but she was the youngest of thirteen and I never met most of her brothers and sisters. The generation beyond remains shrouded in the mists of past time.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Got Gratitude? It Does a Body (and a Soul) Good!

Francisco of Fatima, please pray for me that I might have a grateful heart!

I often think of the little shepherd boy, Francisco of Fatima. Since he knew he would die soon, he couldn't see the value of spending hours in school. Instead, he often went to the church and wrapped his arms around the tabernacle lamenting that "Love is not loved!" 

Love is not loved!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

A Reflection on the Assumption of Mary -- More than a Historical Event

By Fr. Tom Collins. 

As we celebrate Our Blessed Mother's Assumption into heaven, it is worth noting that this doctrine does not only point out an historical event, but also subtly indicates a mystery of faith, a spiritual dynamic, whereby communion with God is offering to engage and transform souls, who are willing to take time to contemplate the deeper dimensions of these teachings.

We see this in other Church teachings. For example, the Eucharist (as Word, Word-made-flesh, Sacrifice and Holy Communion) is not only the source and summit of the Church's life, but also the sustenance of that life. "Source and summit" alone could be interpreted to indicate a "salmon spirituality". Such spirituality implies that just as a particular river is the place where a salmon begins and ends its life, most of which is spent away from that river in the ocean, so also Catholics are free to embrace, what we used to call a "hatch, match and dispatch" spirituality (i.e., go to church to be baptized, married and buried). The fact that only a minority of baptized Catholics conscientiously participate in the Mass on all Sundays and holy days of obligation indicates the appeal of the implications of such a spirituality.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Does the Novus Ordo Foster an Environment of Heresy?

Hmm....I was watching Crisis Magazine editor, Eric Sammons, discussing the question Did Online Trads Cause the TLM Crackdown? It's an interesting video. Sammons made the point that if individual's questionable actions cause the suppression of the TLM, then why do not individual's questionable actions cause suppression of the Novus Ordo? Is Fr. James Martin untouchable but Taylor Marshall is a legitimate target?

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Olympics are over in more ways than one.

Thank God the spectacle is done. But one athlete walked in the footsteps of Eric Liddell by demonstrating his Christian faith for all the world to see. Tennis star, Novak Djokovic, kissed the cross and pointed to heaven after winning matches, the final one against Carlos Alcaraz to claim the gold medal. Although I didn't see it, I read about it and remembered once again that Scottish runner who, like Djokovic, made it clear he was a Christian first and an athlete second.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Mondy Morning Meditation: Listen to God in the Silence.

My quiet morning prayer place.

I'm generally an early riser. This morning I woke up a little after five. Sometimes I say my morning prayers in bed and hope I fall back to sleep, but generally I can tell if that is going to happen. It didn't, so I rose about 5:30 and gazed out the window overlooking the pool. Oops! The kids left the lights on in the pool house yesterday. Why they turned them on in broad daylight mystified me, but I just sighed, put on a wrap, and went out to turn them off. I'm my mom's daughter and she was thrifty and vigilant about turning off lights not being used! But I won't scold, just remind them next visit to turn off the lights.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Bizarro World of Modern Dystopia!

Last year about this time I did a post on living in a dystopian novel. Since then, bizarro world just keeps getting kinkier and more evil. It's hard to believe that so many people are on board with mutilating gender confused children, especially parents like those who take their little ones to drag queen story hours. 

Our family spent almost 40 years living in Fairfax County. The Fairfax County public schools have been corrupt and evil for decades. We saw the evil first hand and it continues today on steroids! The education "professionals" continually lower the bar to corrupt ever-younger little ones very deliberately. They put a wedge between them and their parents. The school board seems to actually hate parents and deny their right to be the primary educators. How dare parents interfere with whatever the "professionals" want to do to their children. The "educators" ignore the concerns of parents and treat them like the enemy. Check out the latest training for teachers in the county!

Friday, August 9, 2024

On Spider Patrol -- Physically and Spiritually!

I decided to go downstairs today and do spider patrol. Our basement is only half below ground, but the spiders and centipedes love to collect there, since the Camp Kreitzer staff holds basement cleaning as a low priority. As I began eliminating the cobwebs and long legged arachnids, I thought of how short a time it takes for them to begin to take over. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Be careful what you believe!

My mom used to say believe none of what you hear and half of what you see. Today, with AI, photoshop, etc., confusion is rampant and that advice is more relevant than ever. I recently posted a long statement that is ostensibly from Padre Pio. As one commenter said, it doesn't sound like him. I haven't been able to authenticate it, but it spurred me to buy a book, Padre Pio in His Own Words

Planned Parenthood was spawned in Hell! Pray for all those poor, deluded souls who work there.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Mystery of Life and Love

Little birdies in their nests agree. If they fight they fall out and get eaten by the cat!

Yesterday, Larry and I visited my sister in the nursing home in Frederick, MD. Traveling there and back is often an adventure, sometimes delightful, sometimes not so much. Last week our hour and forty minute trip home expanded to three and a half hours because of an accident on Interstate 81. Just saying those words, "Interstate 81," raises my blood pressure. We used our stop and start time to pray an extra rosary, especially for those in the accident, and to listen to an audio tape. It turned out one of the accident victims was the sister-in-law of friends. Fortunately, despite involvement with two tractor trailers, no one was seriously hurt, but the southbound highway was completely shut down for hours. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

She Nails the Problems; Now How Do We Fix It?

Let's face it. What we're seeing in the United States is unfixable from a human perspective. We better be getting help from Christ the King and his army of angels and saints, especially his twelve star general, Mary Immaculate and his commander, St. Michael the Archangel. 

Time to Flee Massachusetts!

Massachusetts Legislature unanimously passes radical LGBT “parentage equality” bill to redefine the family.

This article is incredibly depressing to read. It indicates that Massachusetts is truly lost to any morality or concern for marriage and the family, particularly children. They will be the ones most hurt by this odious bill. Sensible parents need to do everything they can to flee the state. Real parents are already the target of these fanatics. If they dare to try to raise their children with solid Christian values they are likely to have their children taken from them. If the radical pervert crowd can convince a child he/she is really in the wrong body, they will make sure they remove any objecting parent from the scene, kidnapping their children. 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Of Family Weddings and Winnie the Pooh

Well, our happy wedding weekend has ended and we are back to ordinary time until the next wedding in October between our oldest granddaughter, who is the oldest grandchild, and her wonderful fiancé only about a week after our own 55th wedding anniversary. She is marrying a man I have learned to love for his gentleness, kindness, and wisdom. His name isn't Joseph, but he looks like I imagine St. Joseph looked. Like Joseph, he works with his hands in construction.  What a joy to anticipate that next happy family event when they unite in holy matrimony. Larry and I are never more delighted than when we are celebrating with family and what a joy weddings are in a culture that thinks sacred promises are weird and hates children.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Time Out for Weekend Wedding Festivities

Our grandson is getting married on Saturday to a lovely young woman whom my husband and I love already. They spent the summer doing mission work in Colorado where they will return after a brief honeymoon. Both of them were active in the campus ministry at JMU in Harrisonburg, VA and they obviously are starting off their marriage with God at the center. What a joy for grandparents' hearts. Our youngest is also celebrating her birthday on Friday and my husband's brother, Dale. My brother Bobby's birthday is on Saturday so we have many prayers of gratitude going up to the Lord this weekend for so many blessings.

Please join us in praying for Alex and Katie, Jamie, Dale, and Bobby. 

We will have houseguests coming for the wedding so I won't be blogging the next few days. I hope you have as much for which to be joyful as we do this weekend. Let us rejoice with Mozart's Exsultate Jubilate.

May Jesus Christ be praised.