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Friday, January 31, 2025
Won't the U.S. Bishops Love This!
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Can We Label Peope Like Cans of Soup?
I was browsing one of the aggregate Catholic sites this morning and came across an article on narcissism. It made the blanket assertion that boomers (I'm one of them) are narcissists. Goodness, I thought. By belonging to the boomer generation, I must be a narcissist. Then I wondered if the person who wrote that article was a millennial. That led me to search the two terms millennials and narcissism and realize that, by virtue of their birth year, my two youngest belong to the group. And, of course, their narcissism is a scientific reality proven by a Case Western Reserve Study reported in Scientific Daily:Can we label people as if
they are cans of soup?
Millennials admit to being narcissists, but don't you dare call them that
The summary for the article reads:
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
RFK Confirmation hearing to be the Next Secretary of Health and Human Services
— (@townhallcom) January 29, 2025
RFK Jr. just completely dismantled Senator Ron Wyden's DISHONEST opening line of questioning:
"I‘ve corrected it MANY TIMES, including on national TV. You know about this, Senator Wyden, so bringing this up right now is dishonest."
What do you think about Trump's pardon of the J6ers?
I reached out to Matt Braynard, who has been an activist for years on behalf of the Jan. 6 arrestees. I granted that some of these folks were overcharged, and I asked him for two things: Examples of the most overcharged individuals, in his opinion, and a broader defense of the blanket pardon, as opposed to individual clemencies for specific folks who were grossly mistreated.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Our Lady of Good Success and her Warning to the World
What if someone predicted accurately what would happen next week or next month. If it was something common, "The sun will rise next Thursday at 5:30 a.m." of course you would not be impressed. We all know that, short of the end of the world, the sun will rise. [For those literally minded, we are well aware that the sun doesn't "rise" but the earth rotates giving the illusion of the sun rising as different parts of the earth are exposed to her rays.] But suppose the person told you something unusual, that seemed unlikely, and it came to pass. Perhaps they predicted a tragedy was about to take place, a train would be derailed or you would be diagnosed next week with a terminal disease despite the fact that you had no symptoms and seemed to be in the pink of health.
Monday, January 27, 2025
A Challenge to the U.S. Bishops on Their Support for the Illegal Invasion
J.D. Vance recently called out the USCCB (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops) over their hypocritical policy on immigration and deportation. The fact is that everyone who enters our country illegally commits a criminal act. The pope recently established a policy tightening the Vatican borders and increasing penalties for violaters. Most parishes have signs in their parking lots saying trespassers will be towed. Do the bishops have an open door policy at their chanceries or the USCCB building in D.C. or their personal homes? Short answer: NO! Long answer: HELL NO!
Saturday, January 25, 2025
C-FAM Explains Trump's Pro-Life Policies
WASHINGTON, D.C., January 24 (C-Fam) President Donald Trump made several important pro-life announcements today.
By video conference at the March for Life, the President thanked attendees for their “extraordinary love and compassion for the unborn.” “This annual march,” he said, “started 52 years ago, on the first anniversary of the disastrous ruling known as Roe v. Wade.”
Will We Be Ruled by Progressive Myths or by Common Sense?
Speaking of ideologies, we've just lived through a tsunami of so-called progressivism that's done nothing to advance the progress of the United States. In fact, we've regressed in more areas than I can think of. What did the Biden/Harris administration accomplish? We're less safe, we're poorer, we're weaker on the international scene, etc. Average Americans, unlike the invaders at the Southern border, got nothing from the former administration except misery. Meanwhile, Big Pharma, Big Media, some Big Business, etc. raked in multi-millions along with the Biden crime family, Anthony Fauci, and select cronies like Zelensky and his political allies. Sad to say, our Church leaders also picked the taxpayers' pockets.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Some Good Political News for a Change!
- Sean Duffy, Catholic father of nine whose youngest has Down Syndrome will run the Department of Transportation. What a witness this family will be to the country. Many little Down Syndrome angels are likely to be saved because of this beautiful family and their faith. Who can look at precious little Valentina and not smile!
Sean Duffy with some of his family including little Valentina StellaMaris |
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Fr. Ripperger Urges Us to Pray Daily for President Trump and our Civic Leaders
Let's get serious about praying for our country and her leaders. Can any Christian fail to recognize that we are in serious trouble? Ten states put abortion on the ballot in 2024 and seven voted for child killing. Only in Florida, Nebraska, and South Dakota did the majority of the electorate refused to embrace the human sacrifice of abortion.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Bob Marshall Calls for Action Against HJR1 and SJR 247 to Constitutionalize Child Killing and Abuse
Bob Marshall is warning about the dangers of this radical legislation which will constitutionally legitimize not only abortion but the abuse of minor children. It strips parental rights and makes it possible for minors to be manipulated and abused by activists. Read Bob's message and contact your Virginia legislators to fight this horrendous evil.
Abortionists in Virginia’s General Assembly want to make it legally impossible to stop or even regulate abortion in Virginia.
They have proposed so-called “Reproductive Freedom Amendments” to Virginia’s Constitution, HJ R 1 and SJ R 247 now under consideration.
A Modest Proposal to the U.S. Bishops from Bai Macfarlane: Lift the Divorce Mandate!
I've been asked to pass this press release on. The Blessed Mother told Sr. Lucy of Fatima that the last battle would be over the family. Let us all commit to praying and doing penance that our bishops will step up to the plate. St. Joseph, Pillar of Families, pray for us.
Catholics are asking the U.S. bishops to drop the divorce mandate where dioceses require parties to be civilly divorced prior to the Church accepting a plea to investigate the validity of a marriage. In the United States, there are two kinds of institutionally recognized marriage: State marriage and Church marriage. The Catholic Catechism says divorce is immoral and a grave offense against nature and in only tolerable in very limited circumstances. However, dioceses instruct everyone who wonders if his/her Church marriage in invalid to first get a divorce of their State marriage.
The Locked Escape Room of Life!
One of the items on my bucket list has been to experience the popular puzzle adventure of an escape room. Last Saturday we were able to check it off the list. My husband and I had the pleasure of puzzling ourselves out with a group of expert helpers.
We had an hour to figure out and unlock a multitude of letter and number combination locks in a Harry Potter inspired locked room - well, three rooms in fact. We started off in the smallest room and had to unlock the others by solving the puzzles that opened doors and drawers and cupboards. The reward was the Christmas gift from Hogwarts to the diligent students -- candy canes.
Actually, we were never really locked in and could leave at any time, but we entered the game and no one took an early exit before we solved the challenge. A fun time was had by all!
Monday, January 20, 2025
Champion of Child Killing Dies and Biden Pardons His Criminal Cronies
Cecile Richards, former head of Planned Parenthood, died this morning after battling an aggressive brain cancer. During her 12-year tenure at PP, she oversaw nearly four million executions of babies in the womb. While the murder-for-hire organization operates in supposedly sterile rooms and their killers dress in white lab coats, they are as efficiently deadly as Mafia hit men. The media is celebrating her legacy of death. How did the court of heaven react today?
Church Bells for Life: Let Freedom Ring for the Vulnerable, Especially Babies Waiting to be Born
Sleight of Hand and Weather Amnesia in the "Climate Change" Debate
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Is the Real Insurrection Coming on Monday?
Who Funds the Rioters? Rand Paul was attacked during the 2020 campaign and the fact that rioters are hired is no "myth." Paul was interviewed the next day. |
We've known for years that the Left hires professional agitators to do their dirty work. And this isn't being reported only by alternative media. In 2018 the L.A. Times reported about it in an article:
Paid protesters? They’re real — and a Beverly Hills firm that hires them stands accused of extortion in a lawsuit
A Book Recommendation as We Welcome a New Administration
Into the breach against progressivism |
Friday, January 17, 2025
Somber Weather and Somber Thoughts
Another cold and gloomy day. I suppose one should fight the gloom with sunny thoughts. But my thoughts today center around the reality of hell. At least those are hot thoughts unlike the frigid temps we are facing in the coming week. Hell is usually depicted as the unquenchable file, but what if, instead, it's absolutely frigid. Which would be worse do you think?
But I digress.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Of Freezing Temperatures and Cold Spirits!
A cold snap has settled over Camp Kreitzer and the extended weather forecast looks bleak indeed. As I write this morning it's 23 degrees and I'm thanking God for central heating. The next few days promise a daytime rise into the low 40s, but Monday and Tuesday the weatherman predicts highs of 19 with overnight lows of 1 and -1. Goodness! I can't remember such a bitter blast in my oh-so-moderate state of Virginia.
With the snow last week, even the chickens seemed appalled. They usually flock to the door to escape the chicken yard and run wild over what to them must be the vast expanses of the field. After the winter storm last week, however, when I opened the door they gathered at the entrance, took one look at the snow and seemed to be thinking, "What is that awful white stuff?" Then they turned back (even Blackie who bullies the others to be first out) and clung to the safety of their little yard. Only as the snow melted did they once again look forward to escape. But there is more snow in the forecast to dash their hopes.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
New Documentary on the Catholic Faith Features Faithful Catholic Prelates
All are called into full communion in the Catholic profession of faith. Join the prayer of Christ at the Last Supper for all to be joined in the unity of His Church. All those validly baptized are a member of the Church, but many are separated by material heresy or schism. They may not be responsible as the original heretics and schismatics, but they are not receiving the full benefits of the faith. Pray for the reunion of all Christians and never be afraid to witness to the truth. The Catholic Church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Democrats: The Real Enemies of Democracy!
I thought I was beyond being shocked by the Democrats, but their antics since the election illustrate an appalling disrespect for the American people. Almost daily we see public announcements by liberal politicians about how they will work tirelessly to prevent Trump, a duly elected president, from accomplishing anything. Over half the country supports his agenda? Too Bad! They are all fools who just didn't know how good they had it with the Biden/Harris administration. On to the midterms!
Monday, January 13, 2025
Take Action NOW, Virginia, HJR 1 Attacks our Children!
From Bob Marshall, former member of the VA House of Delegates and often described as the "conscience" of the General Assembly. He continues to advocate for the true the good and the beautiful. Here's the email he sent to me yesterday which calls for immediate action to protect our children. If you love your children and grandchildren, don't wait one minute to contact your senators and delegates!
Mary Ann, Please share widely. This Abortion Amendment may come up tomorrow in the VA House of Delegates, or certainly Tuesday or Wednesday. This will also have to go to the state Senate. You have a short window to contact delegates senators.
For people who do not know their delegate or senator here is a link.
Thanks, Bob
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Sunday Meditation: Logic 101 from Fr. Tom Collins on the California Fires
I have a few comments before posting Fr. Collins' message.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
The Disgraceful Appointment of a Clergy Abuse Enabler to the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.
No doubt self-described "devout Catholics," Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, are delighted with Pope Francis' shocking elevation of Cardinal Robert McElroy to the episcopate of the nation's capitol. They need not fear any criticism or call to conversion from a man who enabled clergy sex abuse and covered it up. That Francis would do this fits with his enabling of sexual immorality, but, in view of the public exposure of McElroy's unfitness, it simply adds to the lack of respect for the Vatican and the office of the pope. Robert McElroy
But perhaps that's the idea. Looking at it from the perspective of those who hate the Church, anything that reduces respect for the the man who sits in the chair of Peter and the successors of the apostles may be seen as a big plus. Reduce the papacy and the episcopate to a dirty joke! McElroy certainly fills the bill in that regard.
Are you a Bibliophile?
A small portion of my library of religious reading |
I certainly am and fit the definition to a T. (Now where does that expression come from? I looked it up and the origin is murky. Now isn't life often like that?) At any rate here's the definition:
bibliophile /bĭb′lē-ə-fīl″/ noun
A lover of books.
A collector of books.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
In view of my pleasure in reading, I enjoy participating in the project of a fellow bibliophile (one of my granddaughters) who offers an annual "Book Bingo" which is great fun. Last year I read 18 of the books by category and left only six blanks. I hope to fill in all the squares this year, although I'll have to be creative to make sure I'm only reading things I really want to read.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Is Anyone Surprised that Nobody Trusts Journalists...
![]() |
RINO Liz Cheney |
Fr. Gordon MacRae published another tour de force on January 6th updating an article from 2022 and briefly addressing Biden's recent disgraceful action of awarding Liz Cheney the medal of freedom. Biden also awarded the medal of freedom to George Soros, one of America's greatest enemies, who has used his money to subvert our justice system by buying prosecutors all over the country. Soros can be directly linked to the political persecution of Donald Trump and election interference. Here's a map showing how broad his influence in perverting our justice system extends. Consider how much damage to justice has been done through his bought and paid-for lackeys.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Freemasonry has invaded the Church
Many Catholics no doubt wonder what has happened to our beloved Church. She is a battered and abused bride. Did you ever see a picture of a woman who's husband has infected her with syphilis? I won't post a picture because it's pretty gruesome. The Church has been infected by evil. Even though she can never be destroyed, she can be presented to the world in rags and tatters and made a mockery as the picture above illustrates. Holy Mother Church is being assaulted by a number of evil clerics intent on her destruction. They can never succeed, but they can do a lot of damage to the faith.
Why has it happened? There's a one-word answer.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Reflections in the Snow
I remember well the 2010 storm and blogged about it at the time. My husband and I were out on the John Deere, snowplow in place, every 2-3 hours trying to keep our long driveway passable. At every round the driveway got narrower. Fortunately, the snow stopped before the width shrank to a path. Our long driveway made the clearing a Herculean task to free the car, but we succeeded. Definitely an accomplishment that we could not repeat today, fifteen years later!
Mind you, I'm not complaining. I enjoy snow (in moderation) and have many memories of rollicking with happy kids on unscheduled snow days when school was cancelled and all was right with the world.
Monday, January 6, 2025
Random Thoughts on the Feast of the Epiphany
- I'm laughing a little this morning over God sending us a white "little Christmas" on the Feast of the Epiphany. Camp Kreitzer is a winter wonderland. And the snow makes everything very quiet and still. It brings my thoughts back to the "blessed hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold." Even our chicken coop reminds me of the rough stable. I shoveled a path to make it easier to get out there. Did God clear a path for the three wise men as they traveled so many miles to visit the newborn king?
- One of my favorite paintings of the Epiphany shows an elderly king kneeling before the manger kissing the foot of Baby Jesus. But I recently saw a painting by Scottish painter William Brassey Hole who died in 1917, the year my dad was born. He did many industrial paintings, but as the century changed, he travelled to Palestine to gather background for biblical paintings. He later published the life of Jesus with 80 watercolors.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Sunday Meditation: Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus
"What's in a name? That which we call rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
That famous quote illustrates Juliet's refusal to let Romeo's name poison her love for him. How many feuds like that between the Montegues' and Capulets' derive from names even centuries after the original dispute? The Hatfield/McCoy feud went on for three decades, from 1863 to 1891! And, here's a piece of trivia for you, the dispute was resurrected in the 1970s on the game show, Family Feud, where both sides benefited financially from the outcome. The McCoys won but didn't amass as much money as the Hatfields so the game show filled the gap. I guess they didn't want to be the source of a new feud.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
From the "Will They Wake Up?" File the saying goes, "Where there's life there's hope." I've been intrigued to see people like Naomi Wolfe, J. K. Rowling, and other feminists modify their stands on certain things as they see the outcomes of the left's philosophy which were totally predictable. Men competing against women in sporting events? What's a woman? Who knows?
Friday, January 3, 2025
Are You Afraid? Run to Our Lady!
Our Lady crushes the head of the serpent by her obedience and humility! |
I'm treating myself today by reading the last few post by Fr. Gordon MacRae at Beyond These Stone Walls. My heart "leaps up" as I reflect on Father's thoughts and glorify God for what He can do even when his servants serve locked behind "stone walls." So many saints show us that truth firsthand: St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Thomas More, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Edith Stein, St. Miguel Pro. And then there are the saints who voluntarily locked themselves behind the stone walls of monasteries and convents. We could fill a multi-story library with their biographies all of which illustrate the solution to overcome fear.
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Will the Next Terror Tactic be the Bird Flu?
Bird flu has been in the news a lot lately. Do a search and come up with dozens of hand-wringing articles in the mainstream media about its dangers. And, of course, the powers that be are working on a vaccine. Monkey Pox was a flop, so we need a new terror tactic to stir up the Chicken Littles. The truly alarming thing about bird flu as the possible next pandemic is that, once again, it was deliberately engineered from an earlier strain to be more dangerous and spread more easily to humans. Talk about mad scientists!
Not the Wuhan lab this time, nope, a government lab operated by the USDA Poultry Research Center in Athens, Georgia. At present there is no human to human spread and only one serious case in Louisiana, no deaths, but just give our home-grown Dr. Mengeles a little more time and, like their leader Dr. Science himself, we can have another pandemic. Hey, we need to move the globe a little closer to one-world government starting with the World Health Organization. WHO's not on first, but at bat hoping to hit a home run and get global control over pandemic responses.