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Friday, January 3, 2025

Are You Afraid? Run to Our Lady!

Our Lady crushes the head of the serpent by her obedience and humility!

I'm treating myself today by reading the last few post of Fr. Gordon MacRae at Beyond These Stone Walls. My heart "leaps up" as I reflect on Father's thoughts and glorify God for what he can do even with his servants locked behind "stone walls." So many saints show us that truth firsthand: St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Thomas More, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Edith Stein, St. Miguel Pro. And then there are the saints who voluntarily locked themselves behind the stone walls of monasteries and convents. We could fill a multi-story library with their biographies all of which illustrate the solution to overcome fear.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Will the Next Terror Tactic be the Bird Flu?

Bird flu has been in the news a lot lately. Do a search and come up with dozens of hand-wringing articles in the mainstream media about its dangers.  And, of course, the powers that be are working on a vaccine. Monkey Pox was a flop, so we need a new terror tactic to stir up the Chicken Littles. The truly alarming thing about bird flu as the possible next pandemic is that, once again, it was deliberately engineered from an earlier strain to be more dangerous and spread more easily to humans. Talk about mad scientists!

Not the Wuhan lab this time, nope, a government lab operated by the USDA Poultry Research Center in Athens, Georgia. At present there is no human to human spread and only one serious case in Louisiana, no deaths, but just give our home-grown Dr. Mengeles a little more time and, like their leader Dr. Science himself, we can have another pandemic. Hey, we need to move the globe a little closer to one-world government starting with the World Health Organization. WHO's not on first, but at bat hoping to hit a home run and get global control over pandemic responses.