At times you get the sense that the Catholic Church only began after the second Vatican Council. Whenever I read encyclicals and statements from Pope Francis, I check out the footnotes first which overwhelmingly include items and encyclicals that post-date Vatican II. Pope Francis is enamored with quoting his own documents as well, and in Fratelli Tutti even footnoted the movie about himself. (Forgive me if I laugh.) Personally, I prefer reading the lives of the saints and documents from the Church Fathers and holy popes like Pius IX and Pius X who faced many of the problems we face today. But I think we should continuously remind ourselves of the situation that has inflicted the Church since Vatican II.
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Sunday, January 31, 2021
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Fight Virginia's Transgender Guidelines for the Safety and Protection of Your Children
Friday, January 29, 2021
Virginia Parents, The Schools Are Subverting Your Authority! Wake Up!
Virginia is a leader in perversity in the schools and has been for decades. Back when my kids were youngsters in elementary school 35 and more years ago, Fairfax County was promoting Planned Parenthood style sex ed. I went and previewed some of the materials. Parents were presented as the enemy. In a movie titled Hassles and Hangups, narrated by Michael Douglas, parents were the ones who caused all their kids problems by "hassling" them and giving them "hangups." Parents were depicted screaming at their kids. Ah... but they could go to the friendly school counselor to get all the help they needed (and all the drugs and plugs). I overheard the facilitator say to someone after the movie that they were showing the "least controversial" items.
Thursday, January 28, 2021
The Coronavirus Gold Rush: The Virus was Planned, Patented, and Padded the Portfolios of People like Fauci!
While you watch the video consider that the CDC was the conduit with the "means, motive, and monetary gain" to take advantage of the Wuhan goldmine. Think about it. Love of money motivates the greedy. War is often promoted because so many people benefit from it. The same with the pandemic. And Fauci and Bill Gates are slated to make big bucks from all their patents. RFK Jr. has spoken about it on many occasions including in this podcast.
On America's "Royal Road of the Cross" with Jesus and Mary
As part of my new year's resolution, I study a chapter from the Imitation of Christ and the Imitation of Mary every morning. I recommend both as a prescription against discouragement during these unsettling times when many are anxious and fearful. Those anxieties and fears resonate with me as well. With the Biden/Harris calamity stripping our Constitutional rights daily, anxiety and fear are normal, human reactions. We need a program of resistance based, not on human action, but on heaven's battle plan.
It's definitely foxhole time in our country!
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Traitorous Dr. Fauci and His Links to China: Walking in the Footsteps of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Fauci, friend of the CCP walks in the treasonous footsteps of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg |
This post will be limited to Fauci's connections to China which have received little, if any, coverage in the mainstream media. Neither have Biden's and his bag man son, Hunter; but that's a post for another day. Fauci is deeply involved with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in what is essentially biological warfare against the United States. He is the highest paid "public servant" in history receiving considerably more than the president.
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Dear Bishops, I Have a Catechism and a Brain: Taking a Vaccine Tested Using Kidney Cells from Living Babies is Gravely Sinful!
Every faithful Catholic has a valid religious exemption to these immoral “vaccines” even if all the Bishops including the Holy Father accept the jab. I put the word vaccine in quotations because what is referred to as a vaccine is not really and truly a vaccine in the historical use of the word. A vaccine traditionally is something given to prevent that person from infection of a microorganism and if that same individual should have future contact with that microorganism then he could not transmit that microorganism to another. The same happens, by the way, when one catches a virus and then develops natural immunity.
Monday, January 25, 2021
Get Those Wrong Thoughts Out of Your Head, You Religious Zealot! We Need Leftist Ideologues!
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Sunday Meditation: The Desire for Human Respect is a Soul Killer
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St. Jacinta would scold those who used God's name in vain. May we imitate her love and zeal for Jesus Christ and His Mother. |
Whenever I think of the danger of human respect I remember my own weakness. In his last job before retirement my husband, a civilian, was working for the Marine Corps Systems Command as the assistant commander. We often went to celebrations and functions like the Marine Corps Ball, retirement ceremonies, etc. I remember one particular event where I failed the Lord out of human respect.
Saturday, January 23, 2021
The Myth That Police Target Blacks and Other Liberal Lies and Cancel Culture Claptrap
I love Larry Elder. He's a man of truth, unlike most of the Democrat liars who talk unity while they assassinate their political opponents for daring to disagree with them. Larry's topic is the false narrative growing out of the Capitol riot that turned it into one more drumbeat about systemic racism.
Biden Begins Rewarding The Allies Who Helped Him Steal the White House....
....beginning with the World Health Organization (WHO), one of the most extreme abortion promoting organizations on the planet. Note well -- within hours of Biden taking control, WHO changed its protocol for counting Wuhan virus numbers. Surprised?'s just a coincidence!
According to LifeSiteNews:
One hour after Biden inaugurated, WHO changes COVID testing criteriaFriday, January 22, 2021
I get it now! A man is a woman with junk.
This man is a woman with junk (Rachael Levine, Biden's Assistant Secretary of Health) |
I'm supposed to say, "Yes. Yes. I do understand now. To be what a thing is not, is good and right and honest. What something isn't, really and truly is. A man can be a woman with junk. A woman can be a man and since he/she/it/they has/have a womb he/she/it/they can give birth to a child. That child must not be killed because it is the holy right for a woman who is a man with a womb to give birth but it's a holy duty - actually it's a sacrament - to kill any other, or all - unborn babies in the womb of a woman who is not a man. It's what God meant when He said "Thou shalt not kill" because we know He meant not to kill the guilty who have committed hideous crimes against humanity, but do kill the innocent unborn so they won't grow up to become future problems to not then be killed after committing heinous crimes. Our prisons are too full as it is."
An Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi on the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
My little granddaughter, Anya, waiting in safety under her mama's heart |
58th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Dear Nancy, I'm writing to you today as a fellow Catholic and fellow alumna of Trinity College (class of 1968). You graduated a few years before I arrived, so we never had the chance to share a coke at Cuvilly's snack bar, but I've followed your career in the media and in the alumnae journal for decades. I pray for you often, even when it requires me to suppress feelings of anger.
Biden's First Day in Office? 17 Hits on America beginning with Cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline
Yesterday Joe Biden signed 17 executive orders. Let's just talk about one -- killing the Keystone XL Pipeline. What will this mean to America? Well, let's take a look.
1.) Killing the pipeline kills thousands of well-paying jobs for American workers. According to the National Taxpayers Union:
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Under the Circus Tent: The Sideshow Biden Administration Begins
Biden Inaugurates the Reign of Terror Against Trump Supporters
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
May the Godfather of the Pro-life Movement and a "Racketeer for Life" Rest in Peace
Joe Scheidler has gone to his heavenly reward, but his legacy lives on. He has always been one of my heroes, and inspired my own involvement in the pro-life movement. May he inspire many others from his place in paradise where I know he is dancing with all the little ones he saved from the butchers' knives. Thank you, Joe. Please pray for us. And friends, please have Masses said for the happy repose of the soul of this brave warrior. I expect he will spend little if any time in Purgatory, but I know he, in his humility, he would be asking for prayers. God rest his soul! Read the beautiful elegy to Joe at the Tan Books website. "Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!"
The Witch Hunt Is On: We're Not Just Deplorables and White Supremacists Anymore....
...We're insurrectionists who must be deprogrammed or exterminated!
The demonstration at the Capitol has become the excuse for draconian measures to be taken against the 74 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump. We aren't just deplorable now; we are dangerous insurrectionists who must be muzzled, deprogrammed, and, failing that, exterminated. That's the language from the left.
Monday, January 18, 2021
Mainstream Media Liars Are At It Every Minute of Every Day....
Do You Really Want to Get That Jab?
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Sunday Meditation: A Warning to Joe Biden and the Incoming Administration
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I will give you the kingdoms of the earth, if you bow down and worship me. |
If it is a crime to rob your neighbor of earthly possessions, how much greater a crime to rob him of eternal goods? Then you turn yourself into a messenger and tool of the devil.
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Wake Up, People, Antifa Was Very Much Involved in the Capitol Violence!
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We need men in the image of St. Joseph, the just man, to calm the violence. |
Friday, January 15, 2021
Bad News for Two Oligarchs: $51 BILLION COMBINED LOSSES...
Twitter, Facebook: $51 Billion Combined Market Value Erased Since Trump Ban
And it couldn't happen to two more deserving tyrants. Some good news among the ruins! These guys love money and power and what they don't realize is that all power resides in Christ, not in the world. "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" You can't buy your way into heaven.
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Thought for the Day from the Imitation of Mary: Do You Spend Time With Jesus Every Day?
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
President Trump Addressed the Nation Today Calling for Peace
Want to thank President Trump for his service to America? I just did. You can contact him at: for another week. Gratitude is an important virtue. People may only realize what he did for the American people when Joe Biden and company begin dismantling it. Buckle your seatbelts!
I'm Engraged and You Should Be Too Over This Georgia Man's Suicide!
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Please pray for the repose of the soul of Christopher Stanton Georgia. |
Tot up another killing to the left. Georgia bank executive, Christopher Stanton Georgia (53) shot himself in the chest Saturday January 9th in the basement of his Atlanta subdivision home. He was arrested on January 6th and charged with violating the D.C. curfew and failing to disperse when ordered. There is nothing to indicate that he was involved in any Capitol violence whatsoever. Did he even go inside the building or was he on the property outside? If he did go in was he with the group welcomed by the Capitol police? Those questions remain.
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Bob Marshall and Fr. Steven Reuter Advise Us on the State of the Nation and Our Response
Monday, January 11, 2021
A Message from a Friend Born in Cuba Under Castro: + ATHEISTIC COMMUNISM IS HERE

Sunday, January 10, 2021
Who Really Caused the Violence at the Capitol? The "Soulless Ghouls" Who've Been Fomenting Violence for Four Years!
Here is a major truth from the video. "We got to this day because the Democrat party has normalized and endorsed political violence."
Saturday, January 9, 2021
No, Silly Rabbits, Trump Was NOT Asking Biden to Do Something Unconstitutional!
When Sodom and Gomorrah Go Global!
Friday, January 8, 2021
The Left, now totally unchecked, has free rein (and reign) over our lives
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Not My President, Not My King!
The Congress certified Joe Biden's electoral steal yesterday following a tumultuous day that reminded me of the French Revolution. I wish those protestors who went to the Capitol had stopped at the entrances, knelt down, prayed the rosary and sung hymns.
Like the Catholics in the Vendee who rose up against the Reign of Terror, their grievances are legitimate and I share them. Sadly, they embraced the tactics of the enemy which now will become justification for further draconian measures against we the "deplorables." It was a sad day for all of us on many fronts.
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
We Must Pray with Increased Fervor for Our Poor Country. Let Us Call on the Mother of Mercy.
We live in an age of sacrilege. Check out the Fauci worship!
But there are plenty of other images in the Fauci worship shopping cart that turn this snake oil salesman into a replacement for God Himself or, at the very least, a super hero and the secular savior of the world.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
10,093 people murdered in 2020 in the name of Islam, the Religion of Peace
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Bodies of Nigerian farmers slaughtered, beheaded by Islamic Boko Haram forces - June 9, 2020 |
Monday, January 4, 2021
Catherine Austin Fitts explains the Globalists' future plans for humanity - SLAVERY
YouTube removed this one. Here's another. Better watch it before Big Brother takes it down as well.
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Wisdom from The Twilight Zone
A friend mentioned this episode of The Twilight Zone on his wall today. Are we here? Does the state have no use for our kind today? At the end of the episode Rod Serling closes, "Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man -- that state is obsolete."
Saturday, January 2, 2021
The Devil Always Eats His Own.... So Whom Do You Serve?
Nancy Pelosi's House Vandalized -- Looks Like Antifa!
Every evil revolution ends up the same way. The instigators, who think they are the rulers, end up getting consumed by the violence they use to advance their own power. Robespierre ended up on the guillotine like the tens of thousands he murdered during he Reign of Terror in France. His fellow revolutionary, Jean-Paul Marat, was stabbed to death in his bath by Charlotte Corday. Think about how Jeffrey Epstein ended up, not to mention all the "coincidental deaths" associated with Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Friday, January 1, 2021
In View of My Post on the Snurches....
Hat tip to James Donovan for his comment on my earlier post which led me to the video. I wonder how many others are thinking about Dr. Seuss these days. He was a man with a keen sense of the ridiculous, even though (sadly) he was a liberal who supported the murder of the unborn. He even threatened to sue a pro-life group for using Horton Hears a Who in their promotional literature. After all, "a person's a person no matter how small" unless that person happens to be living in the womb under his mommy's heart.