Ebola confirmed in U.S. Uh-oh! How many people were exposed before the patient ended up in the hospital?
Rare respiratory virus spreading among kids Is there any correlation between massive immigration and dispersion of children around the country?
Mosquito virus coming from Caribbean spreading in U.S.
Are we facing the plagues, America? Maybe a little repentance is in order.
Search This Blog
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
How come....?
I was just reading a columnist who is all gung-ho on physician-assisted suicide. It's compassionate; it eliminates suffering; it's death with dignity.
So how come using the same means to kill convicted serial killers is cruel and unusual punishment...often fails and requires multiple attempts to kill while the person seizures, vomits, etc?
I'm not a big fan of capital punishment, but I'm just wondering how the same method of killing is so right for the innocent and so wrong for the guilty. Can you explain it to me?
So how come using the same means to kill convicted serial killers is cruel and unusual punishment...often fails and requires multiple attempts to kill while the person seizures, vomits, etc?
I'm not a big fan of capital punishment, but I'm just wondering how the same method of killing is so right for the innocent and so wrong for the guilty. Can you explain it to me?
Monday, September 29, 2014
Thinking and Praying about the Upcoming Synod on the Family
We all better be praying hard because the signs of confusion and division about the upcoming synod are worrisome. Here's what Robert Royal wrote recently and he's pretty sensible. Yes, it does seem we are "on the way to a troubled synod." Having lived through the chaos of Vatican II and its aftermath, the thought of going back there gives me nightmares. Royal describes "important cardinals openly attacking one another, something not seen since Vatican II." That statement alone should send Catholics to their knees because it echoes the warning Our Lady gave the world at Akita. "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops." That is coming true in spades!
Please pray! The synod begins on October 8th, the day after the Feast of the Holy Rosary commemorating the defeat of the Muslims at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. It seems the new threats come, not from outside the Church, but from within.
You can read more about the Synod at the USCCB website.
Please pray! The synod begins on October 8th, the day after the Feast of the Holy Rosary commemorating the defeat of the Muslims at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. It seems the new threats come, not from outside the Church, but from within.
You can read more about the Synod at the USCCB website.
Incest is a Fundamental Right?
Incest a 'fundamental right', German committee says
Hey, whatever floats your boat. Pedophilia? There are plenty of psychos (oops, psychiatrists) who say it's perfectly fine and can even benefit children. (See here.) Unless, of course, the child molester happens to wear a Roman collar.
It's coming, folks...along with polygamy, polyamory, and any other sexual arrangement you can imagine. Once virtual reality and porno-imagination go mainstream, everyone is expected to subscribe to an ugly, politically correct lie. Living in the real world becomes perverse and unacceptable.....
...which reminds me of a Twilight Zone Episode. To some people anal sex, pedophilia, and unbridled lust are beautiful!
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Sunday Meditation: You Can't Emote Your Way to Christ!
A guest meditation today from my sister Carol. Thanks for the reminder, Sis!
If you think feeling and emoting are the way to Christ...well..that is a major error.
Feelings for the most part are very untrustworthy..Please note that fact..feelings are not always trustworthy....I can feel like bopping someone in the nose but I am not to act on that because one is supposed to "put one's brain into gear" and control the action that would be taken on that feeling if left to go unchecked...
Saturday, September 27, 2014
First Friday and First Saturday Are Coming Up....

"Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee...."
Do you know the promises that come with the First Friday devotion? Check them out here.
Check out the First Saturday devotion here
God is so generous in offering us many opportunities to grow closer to Himself. Think how much He loves you and rejoice by spending time with Him and with Our Blessed Mother.
Friday, September 26, 2014
And You Thought the Left Hated Censorship
Christians purged from California School Libraries
Well, let's see...The superintendent says, "We do not purchase sectarian educational materials and do not allow sectarian materials on our state-authorized lending shelves.”
That means she will have to also purge:
- all religious books written by Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, etc.
- So good-bye Martin Luther King
- Mahatma Ghandi
- Einstein (His writing is full of faith.)
- Classics like The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables
- Narnia tales of C.S. Lewis
- all biographies of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, etc.
- All the biographies, speeches, and writings of George Washington and most of the Founding Father, many presidents including Abraham Lincoln, etc.
- Since the Supreme Court is now defining Witchcraft as a religion, Harry Potter is out!
Well, it won't be long before nothing is on the library shelves at all, except maybe sex ed texts, pornography, Saul Alinsky, Marx, and Lenin...oh, and biographies of Barack Obama.
Pacific Justice Institute is representing a parent who objected to the purge.
This idiocy certainly gives one more reason to home school. Your kids can't grow and thrive in an anti-intellectual, anti-Christian environment of censorship.
Saddle Up and Don't Forget Your Rosary!
This episode of The Vortex brought back some great memories of a Catholic Media Coalition meeting several years ago where we met on a cattle ranch not far from Albuquerque. It was Springtime and calving season and a few of us rode out on horseback with the owner to check on the moms getting ready to drop their calves. The landscape looked just like the one through which Michael Voris is riding.
In many ways Catholics are in the desert these days. I think every mother and father should make it a priority to build a home that's a little oasis where the waters of grace can flow freely to make their precius little flowers thrive.
We can be fully aware of the cultural dangers and evils that confront us without losing a sense of humor or the joy in living. So take courage, pray with your family and friends, and never become discouraged or despair. Muscles only grow strong by resistance against force. Spiritual muscle is the same way. But be sure to find the oasis in the desert to refresh yourself for the continued journey!
building spiritual muscle,
Michael Voris,
The Vortex
Difficult Days Are Coming for the Church, but Never Lose Hope!

We would do well to remember, as Pope Pius V said, that "All the evil in the world is due to lukewarm Catholics." Don't let us be lukewarm; but be on fire for Christ! Pray with St. Teresa of Avila to be a "burning furnace of charity." And remember to fight for the faith with every ounce of your being. As Pope Pius XII reminds us:
"We belong to the Church Militant; and she is militant because on earth the powers of darkness are ever restless to encompass her destruction."Put on the armor of God (and a cheerful smile) every morning and prepare yourself for the day's battle. Let us pray for holy and bold shepherds to lead us in the fight under the inspiration of our twelve star general:
"Who is she who comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army dressed in battle array?"Our Lady, help of Christians, pray for us.
Bishops Cupich? It's Worse than we Thought
Bishop Cupich: A View from Spokane
Read the article to see how Bishop Cupich:
- gave approval to the Vagina Monologues being shown at Gonzaga University
- undermined the seminary training
- undermined the pro-life movement (We already reported on that.)
The author's final bit of advice?:
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Wickedness Will Never Overcome Christ
Yes, there is plenty of confusion right now coming from our shepherds. But, as Mike Voris says, the "worst case scenario" is that Christ wins. So gird yourself for the fight, but keep a smile on your face. We are not the vanquished, but the victors!
Since When Are the Catholic Hierarchy Experts on "Climate Change?"
I'm shaking my head over this latest nonsense from a high level cleric!
Holy See: moral imperative to act in face of climate change
Holy See: moral imperative to act in face of climate change
Here's Cardinal Parolin's quote from the article:
“The scientific consensus is rather consistent and it is that, since the second half of the last century, warming of the climate system is unequivocal,” he continued. “It is a very serious problem which, as I said, has grave consequences for the most vulnerable sectors of society and, clearly, for future generations.”
“Numerous scientific studies, moreover,
Get Ready for Health Care Rationing and Death by Neglect
Obamacare's death panel is real. It's called the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) and it will be making decisions about what kind of care is appropriate for patients, especially the elderly. To gain some insight into the reality of what's coming take a look at Ezekiel Emanuel, who recently wrote in Atlantic Magazine that he "hopes to die at 75." Emanuel kept back one important fact from his story -- he was a primary developer of Obamacare and its rationing panel. Emanuel believes that after 75 many tests and procedures shouldn't be done --- that people should "voluntarily" refuse. That's what he plans to do he claims. (Easy to say that before you're in the situation.)
But is his article just a prelude, softening people up to accept a policy of mandatory refusal made by a committee of IPAB members? "Sorry, you're 75...no hip replacement, rotator cuff repair, knee replacement, open heart surgery, etc., etc.! Take an aspirin."
The Atlantic article reminded me of another story pushing the agenda of death,
But is his article just a prelude, softening people up to accept a policy of mandatory refusal made by a committee of IPAB members? "Sorry, you're 75...no hip replacement, rotator cuff repair, knee replacement, open heart surgery, etc., etc.! Take an aspirin."
The Atlantic article reminded me of another story pushing the agenda of death,
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Teach Your Children about True Love and the Way to Preserve It!
While looking for information about Call to Action yesterday, I happened to come across this old article from a back issue of the Les Femmes newsletter. With college recently starting and young people going off into the dens of iniquity that our college campuses have become, I thought this Mom's Letter to Her Son was worth another look.
Parents, love your children enough to tell them the plain truth!
A Mother's Letter to Her Son at College
Parents, love your children enough to tell them the plain truth!
A Mother's Letter to Her Son at College
This is Pathetically Hilarious! Does Anyone Belive Democrats Follow the Campaign Finance Laws?
How many Democrats get any punishment AT ALL for insider trading, illegal contributions, stealing stuff from the White House, raping and groping women, etc. ad nauseum? Think I will celebrate D'Souza's avoidance of prison by starting his book today, America: Imagine a World without Her.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
One More Reason to be Concerned about Bishop Cupich -- CTA loves him!
Call to Action is thrilled with Bishop Cupich's appointment to Chicago where their national office is based!
Now if you don't know about the dissidents at Call to Action, you have been deprived of many head-shaking experiences: the puppet Masses (See ridiculous video below.), the endorsement of abortion, contraception, sodomy, etc., the frequent rabid dissent at their conferences where nuns beat the drums (literally). Yes, a Call to Action's endorsement definitely makes a person suspect. Now, I wonder what Bishop Cupich thinks of the Chicago-based group. Someone should ask him. Catholic Citizens of Illinois, a faithful group of Catholics, has the press release on their website.
Press Release: A Humbler, More Pastoral Church
Now a little history....
Now if you don't know about the dissidents at Call to Action, you have been deprived of many head-shaking experiences: the puppet Masses (See ridiculous video below.), the endorsement of abortion, contraception, sodomy, etc., the frequent rabid dissent at their conferences where nuns beat the drums (literally). Yes, a Call to Action's endorsement definitely makes a person suspect. Now, I wonder what Bishop Cupich thinks of the Chicago-based group. Someone should ask him. Catholic Citizens of Illinois, a faithful group of Catholics, has the press release on their website.
Press Release: A Humbler, More Pastoral Church
Now a little history....
St. Padre Pio, Pray for Us! Rare Footage of the Saint
Thanks to my sister Carol for sending this link!
Three rare videos of the saint:
Three rare videos of the saint:
- at his monastery with the other monks
- celebrating his last Mass
- his funeral requiem Mass
Read about his life here.
St. Padre Pio, pray for us.
A Message from Austin Ruse of C-FAM, the Pro-Life U.N. Watchdog
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Pope John Paul II with Brendan |
The Man Hiding in the Hotel Ceiling…
Made One Phone Call…
2:00 a.m. September 23, 2014
Dear Friends,
On November 26th, 2008 Islamic terrorists set off a series of bombs in the Taj Mahal Palace and Tower Hotel in Mumbai, India. Hundreds of tourists and businessmen were trapped inside.
The terrorists stormed the beach outside the hotel and began an organized assault with machine guns. They intended on killing everyone inside.
An American businessman was among those trapped inside.
To save himself, he crawled into the air-conditioning duct in the ceiling of the hotel. He could hear explosions throughout the hotel, bombs and machine gunfire. He heard the screams of victims.
He lay still and prayed, and he made one phone call.
He called the father of a 9-year-old boy named Brendan Kelly who lived across the globe in Great Falls, Virginia.
The terrified man asked for 9-year-old Brendan’s prayers so that he would be delivered from almost certain horrifying death at the hands of fanatics.
Here’s the amazing thing.
Brendan Kelly was not only 9 years old, he had Down syndrome and --- even more than that --- suffered most of his life from leukemia. (Read more here....)
Austin Ruse,
Brendan Kelly,
inspiring stories,
saints among us
Who is Telling You the Truth? Our Lady or the Ear Ticklers? Repent and Pray!
This is the last audible message given to Sr. Agnes during the approved apparitions at Akita, Japan (Thanks for sending me to EWTN for this, Janet!) My comments in red:
October 13, 1973
"My dear daughter, listen well to what I have to say to you. You will inform your superior."
After a short silence:
"As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Yup...Hell Exists and We Have No Reasonable Hope that it's Empty!
Jesus warned about Gehenna more than anything else during his life on earth. He died to save people from it. The Mass (since the restoration of the millenial "for many" at the Consecration) is proof positive that ALL are NOT SAVED because Jesus could only die for the salvation of the many who would accept His sacrifice. Note that the bad thief got no guarantee of paradise. Did he repent in the end? Maybe. Let's pray he did, but we have no evidence of it.
I made a Cursillo in the early 1980s
Satanic Black Mass "Sellout"
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Bishop Coakley leads holy hour in atonement for black mass. |
The U.S. Does a Lot of Crazy Things, but This?:
Doctors Call it "Irresponsible" to Send U.S. Troops to Combat Ebola
It's more than irresponsible; it's insane! And, as retired Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin is quoted in the article, It's "an absolute misuse of the U.S. military." Congress should resist Obama's attempt to send troops to Africa and, instead, encourage humanitarian work through health agencies and Church groups. That is, after all, what many religious congregations were formed to do - tend the sick. What are troops going to do, as the article asks - surround the infected areas and shoot anyone who tries to leave?
Our young men and women are not trained for this type of work. How long does it take to train a medical corpsman? The most likely result from this plan is that troops will come home infected with the virus and spread it to every corner of the U.S. Ebola is the black plague of our age. It's deadly and we really don't know how to treat it successfully. According to the World Health Organization 50 - 90% of those infected die. The best that can be done is to contain it as much as possible and restrict it to Africa. Here's a bit from the article:
It's more than irresponsible; it's insane! And, as retired Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin is quoted in the article, It's "an absolute misuse of the U.S. military." Congress should resist Obama's attempt to send troops to Africa and, instead, encourage humanitarian work through health agencies and Church groups. That is, after all, what many religious congregations were formed to do - tend the sick. What are troops going to do, as the article asks - surround the infected areas and shoot anyone who tries to leave?
Our young men and women are not trained for this type of work. How long does it take to train a medical corpsman? The most likely result from this plan is that troops will come home infected with the virus and spread it to every corner of the U.S. Ebola is the black plague of our age. It's deadly and we really don't know how to treat it successfully. According to the World Health Organization 50 - 90% of those infected die. The best that can be done is to contain it as much as possible and restrict it to Africa. Here's a bit from the article:
According to the World Health Organization, at least 4,985 people have contracted Ebola and at least 2,461 have died. Several doctors have fallen ill with Ebola, and two of them have died....Amen! And WHO has one other interesting bit of information:
“You can see that these doctors, who are highly trained people, got themselves infected,” said Dr. Lee Hieb, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. “So sending troops into an area, if they’re dealing one-on-one with a patient, they’re not going to be able to protect themselves very well. It’s not easy to [prevent transmission]”....
Dr. Hieb said quarantine measures should be taken to control the outbreak and prevent Ebola from coming to America.
“You don’t get Ebola from Europe,” she told WND. “You get Ebola from Africa. And it’s a really simple formula: Don’t let people fly to America if they’ve been to areas where there’s an outbreak. When there’s an outbreak, stop air [traffic] flow."....
We should not allow flights from nations that are having Ebola outbreaks.”
Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, has warned that the U.S. must “treat Ebola as a wake-up call."....
Orient called the planned U.S. deployment a “dubious mission,” warning that the nightmarish scenario could bring Ebola to America.
“There is definitely a risk,” she said. “It seems irresponsible to send more people there when the ones already there are having trouble leaving. Probably anyone who has been exposed should be quarantined for 25 days since the last exposure.”
People remain infectious as long as their blood and body fluids, including semen and breast milk, contain the virus. Men who have recovered from the disease can still transmit the virus through their semen for up to 7 weeks after recovery from illness.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Our Lady of Good Success Prophesied the Challenges of Our Own Day
Read some of Our Lady's prophecies for our time given to Mother Mariana almost 400 years ago! I think the truth of these prophecies is self-evident:
Don't You Love Godly Men!
This video of marines praising God has gone viral. As the mother-in-law of a godly Catholic marine, I'm pleased to help spread it. The only thing that would make me rejoice more would be to see them kneeling in front of Our Eucharistic Lord at Mass. Pray for them!
Read more here.
Read more here.
Wouldn't it be Great to Have a Syllabus of Modern Errors!
My internet friend Brian at umblepie blog has a great series of posts on Pio Nono, Pius IX.
We all need to be better versed in the history of the Church in order to fight our own modern errors. To paraphrase George Santayana, those who fail to remember history are condemned to repeat it. At any rate, here is umblepie's most recent post on Pope Pius IX about the development of the Syllabus of errors. Many of the errors continue to mislead people today! Wouldn't it be great of Pope Francis would give us a clear explication of modern errors leading to loss of the faith?
I urge you to read the latest article and then backtrack to Brian's other posts. And a big thank you for his great lesson in Church history! I learned a lot reading it and plan to go back and really study it.
We all need to be better versed in the history of the Church in order to fight our own modern errors. To paraphrase George Santayana, those who fail to remember history are condemned to repeat it. At any rate, here is umblepie's most recent post on Pope Pius IX about the development of the Syllabus of errors. Many of the errors continue to mislead people today! Wouldn't it be great of Pope Francis would give us a clear explication of modern errors leading to loss of the faith?
I urge you to read the latest article and then backtrack to Brian's other posts. And a big thank you for his great lesson in Church history! I learned a lot reading it and plan to go back and really study it.
Pio Nono,
Pius IX,
Syllabus of Errors
Saturday, September 20, 2014
What's Wrong with the Mantra of "Who Am I to Judge?"
By Fr. Tom Collins
There are several major problems with this mantra.
The Kiss of Christ
I take Communion to a local nursing home on Sundays. I visit eight residents most of whom suffer from Alzheimer disease or dementia. One lady is often antagonistic and tells me not to talk to her. She often refuses Communion saying she isn't worthy. I respond that none of us is worthy, but Jesus loves her and is the doctor who wants to bring her healing. Sometimes she decides to receive and sometimes she doesn't.
Last Sunday I met her son, one of four children, and he shared two of her poems with me. They were profound and, in fact, reminded me of Caryll Houselander's work.
What a gift it is to see these debilitated individuals in a different light, in their prime so to speak. The poetry he read to me was, not only beautiful, but contemplative. One was titled O Solitude, but could have been titled O Jesu. And as I was thinking today about how to reach her I thought, "I will take her a poem by Caryll Houselander."
And here it is. May God use it to bridge the gap between her current suffering and her past contemplation. She needs the love of Christ so very much (as we all do) brought in the Real Presence of Our Eucharistic Lord.
Please pray for her. I'll let you know what happens tomorrow.
The Kiss of Christ
Lo, there He hangs, ashened figure -- pinioned to the wood.
God grant that I might love him -- even as I should.
I draw a little closer -- to touch the face divine.
And then He leans to whisper -- "Oh foolish child of mine.
If now I should embrace you -- my hands would stain you red.
And if I leaned to kiss you -- the thorns would pierce your head."
'Twas then I learned in meekness -- that love demands a price.
'Twas then I knew that suffering -- is but the kiss of Christ.
Caryll Houselander
Will Cardinal Dolan Agree to be Interviewed by Michael Voris?
Well....I'll be surprised (no...shocked!) if he does. I suspect he'd rather be interviewed by anti-Catholic "journalists" from NPR, Huffpo, The New York Times, the Boston Globe or MSNBC. From what I've seen the liberal media just love him! And like his own pandering staff "reporters" they generally lob him softballs. And why not? He advances their agenda. What a great Catholic spokesman for their ideas!
I'd like to ask Cardinal Dolan to rate in order of preference an interview with:
Where in the ranking do you think orthodox Catholic Voris would appear? Stop laughing!
- Bill Maher
- Chris Matthews
- Rachel Maddow
- David Letterman
- Michael Voris,
Ah...but if we add Mark Shea to the list the cardinal and the blogger could have a gay old time blathering on and on and on and on.
More Bad News from the Vatican....

Blase Cupich of Spokane named to Chicago
Orthodox Catholics in the U.S. better hold onto their rosaries. Chicago is the third largest See in the U.S., home of "seamless garment" champion Cardinal Joseph Bernardin who often spoke with a forked tongue. Bernardin was notorious for affirming Church teaching in one breath and undermining it in the next. Time will tell whether Cupich is a Bernardin clone.
Here are some big reasons to pray for Chicago and the Church in the U.S. and add this appointment to the list of growing concerns about Papa Francis:
Archdiocese of Chicago,
Blase Cupich
A Tale of Two Cardinals by Pat Archbold
I like Pat Archbold. I think he's an honest man. His Creative Minority Report blog is always interesting as are his article in the National Catholic Register. I couldn't agree more with this one:
The Humiliation of Cardinal Burke
this move, if it happens, will be unspinnable. Some have already tried with embarrassing results. This is brutal Vatican politics carried out at the highest level for the crime of intransigent orthodoxy. This would be a blatant humiliation of a Curial Cardinal at a crucial moment to prevent him galvanizing opposition to the current zeitgeist going into the synod.
If this happens as rumored, there will be no spinning it or removing the Pope's fingerprints from the crime scene.And I couldn't agree more with this one as well:
Re Cardinal Dolan's Explanation
One could focus on the first paragraph in which he compares this crucial topic, that of defending Catholic doctrine...to a meaningless discussion about which baseball player was better. This is all so much discussion about how many angels can dance on the end of a pin, don'tcha know?
Or one could focus how the Cardinal completely and disingenuously avoids any real discussion on the topic at hand by suggesting that acceptance of "Gay Identity" (read finding one's identity in sin) and promoting that identity is somehow not promoting sin even though everyone knows that is exactly what it does.
Or one could focus on the fact that a Cardinal Archbishop of New York cannot even say the word "creed" without apologizing for it..
One could focus on any one of those things. But I would like to focus on something else.
Here is the crux of the Cardinal's statement.
"I found their sensitivity wise, and publicly said so. If, in doing so, I have shown an insensitivity to you, I apologize."
If my sensitivity was insensitive to you, I apologize.
There are many things that could be said about that line. There are many things probably better left unsaid. But the thing I will say is this. Men, real men, do not speak like this.Amen to that! Real men defend babies in the womb, but we will not see Cardinal Dolan "go to the mat" for them. He might have to act like a man who cares about the faith more than having dinner and drinking green beer with pro-abort politicians and gay activists.
Friday, September 19, 2014
I'm sick of this blather! Show me these Catholics, Mark!
I read an interview with Mark Shea this morning and it really lit my fuse. The section in red is nothing but unadulterated, ridiculous blather:
I think [Pope Francis is] forcing a confrontation with the rest of Catholic social teaching. By that, I mean all of the incredible riches the church has to offer beyond the questions of abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage, human cloning and embryonic stem cell research—which in my neck of the blogosphere, started out as the five non-negotiables of orthodox Catholicism, but have mysteriously morphed into the only five things that matter to a lot of American Catholics. It has spawned a curious soteriology in some sectors that often boils down to a theory that can be fairly accurately summarized as "opposition to abortion taketh away the sins of the world." Francis has forced a reassessment of that reductionist view of Catholic social teaching and I think it’s all for the good.I'd like to know who Mark Shea hangs out with.
We're at War with Ourselves!
This morning at Mass the first reading was from St. Paul's letter to the Corinthians about the resurrection of the body. Some of the Corinthians believed only the soul would rise; the body would rot in the tomb. But if that's the case the Incarnation makes no sense and, as Paul says, "If the dead are not raised, then Christ was not raised; and if Christ was not raised, your faith is worthless. You are still in your sins, and those who have fallen asleep in Christ are the deadest of the dead....[and] the most pitiable of men."
Yes, we are body/soul creatures, united irrevocably although we will be separated temporarily from "brother ass" when we die. Because of original sin,
Thursday, September 18, 2014
What a Joy to See and Hear the Voice of my Hero, Fr. John Hardon, S.J.
Thanks to Michael Voris for this walk down memory lane with Fr. Hardon. Every night when we pray our rosary and recite the tessera of the Legion of Mary we add his name and say, "Fr. Hardon, pray for us!" He truly was an icon of the 20th century preparing us for the difficult days of the 21st! And I was so blessed to attend two retreats he gave and many home school conferences at which he spoke. Thank you, Fr. Hardon, for giving us courage to resist.
Let me repeat Fr. Hardon's words:
Let me repeat Fr. Hardon's words:
Why was there a Judas? One of the reasons the Church gives is to prepare the faithful for apostate bishops. And you see how important it is for bishops to remain faithful to Jesus Christ and his vicar on earth. No heresy has ever succeeded in history unless and until it was backed by a bishop. Pray, pray, pray for bishops!Yes, pray for the bishops. Many among them are Judases and apostates. Let's pray for the discernment to recognize them and warn the faithful against them.
Cardinal Dolan Won't "Go to the Mat" for the Babies
....maybe he'll change his tune when they start coming for the cardinals.
Cardinal Dolan: Debate on denying Communion to pro-abortion pols ‘in the past’
The Church’s Code of Canon Law states in Canon 915 that those “obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.” Leading Vatican officials, including Pope Benedict XVI himself, have said this canon ought to be applied in the case of pro-abortion Catholic politicians. However, prelates in the West have widely ignored it, and some have openly disagreed.
John Allen, Jr. of the new website Crux, launched as a Catholic initiative under the auspices of the Boston Globe, asked New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan about the issue earlier this month.
Attention Parents! Make Sure Your Children Read Paper Books Every Day!

Manoush Zomorodi, managing editor and host of WNYC's New Tech City, explains how the shift from paper to digital has caused a gigantic change in the way we read....
Linear reading and digital distractions have caught the attention of academics like Maryanne Wolf, director of the Center for Reading and Language Research at Tufts University.
“I don’t worry that we’ll become dumb because of the internet,” says Wolf. “But I worry we will not use our most preciously acquired deep reading processes because we’re just given too much stimulation. That’s, I think, the nub of the problem.”...
Zomorodi explains that neuroscience has revealed that humans use different parts of the brain when reading from a piece of paper or from a screen.
“They call it a ‘bi-literate’ brain,” she says. “The problem is that many of us have adapted to reading online just too well. And if you don’t use the deep reading part of your brain, you lose the deep reading part of your brain.”
To keep the deep reading aspect of the human brain alive and kicking, Zomorodi says that researchers like Wolf recommend setting some time aside each day to deep read with a paper medium.So, parents, limit those techie devices. All those games may not only be damaging your children's social skills, but their ability to deep read. And if you think you can't do it, take Steve Jobs' example. He strictly controlled his children's access to his products. Check it out!
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Fulton Sheen Center -- a "New Off Broadway Arts Complex"
First Things blog has an interesting article on the new Sheen Center in New York City, named after the Venerable Fulton Sheen. The last sentence in the article should perhaps be the first:
According to the center's press release:
[The] Sheen Center is the archdiocese’s monument to post-Catholicism.As a Catholic, I am scratching my head over the Sheen Center and plans for its use. First Things' Maureen Mullarkey writes in Sheen Center Pre Partum Blues,:
Described by its own in-house consultant Nick Leavens as simply a "new off-Broadway arts complex." it will "function as a hub for the circulation of tax exempt monies."How exactly is running an off-Broadway theater a function of the Catholic Archdiocese of New York? Perhaps the answer is simply what Leavens said above, essentially follow the money, one more way for the Archdiocese of New York can get its hands in the taxpayers' pockets -- through government grants to the arts.
Companies who have already signed on to use The Sheen Center include The New York International Fringe Festival, Strange Sun Theater, /the claque/, Terranova, Wingspan Arts, MorDance and Voyager Theater Company.Let's take a look at a few of these theater companies.
The Crux of the Matter? To Enable Dissent and Sin!
The Crux -- is a web project of that oh-so-friendly-to-Catholics Boston Globe to feature "Catholic" news. John Allen, former columnist for the National Catholic Reporter (aka, the fishwrap), is heading up The Crux and the site has hired Margery Eagan as a columnist. To see how "Catholic" she is read this column where she goes after those terrible people on the right who oppose the contraceptive mandate and abortion. This paragraph exposes her as one more pro-abortion feminist zealot:
So somebody explain to me why Cardinal O'Malley is cheering on this latest assault against the faith?
It seems today that we have a large number of high level clerics who believe sowing confusion is a virtue. They call it "mercy" to encourage people to walk a tightrope across the pit of hell laden down with unrepented mortal sins. One can only hope that the sinners are ignorant of the seriousness of their condition. It's hard to believe the clerics are!
Considering it's the feast day of St. Robert Bellarmine, I recommend reading his meditation on hell. Hell is real and we should strive to do everything we can to see that no one goes there. Will tickling ears and spreading a faux "mercy" really help save souls? Will saying "Bravo!" to mortal sin save a single soul? Will holding pre-pride Masses with rainbow decorations that signal approval of the sinful gay lifestyle bring a single soul to repentance? What do you think!
Jesus said "Zeal for your house consumes me!" Meanwhile, our modern pharisees turn the house of God into an amusement park where "all are welcome" and everyone is assured of heaven. I wonder what St. Robert Bellarmine would say if he were here today. He would no doubt be on his way to Malta with Cardinal Burke.
What Hobby Lobby really represents is a continued chipping away at reproductive freedom -- women's reproductive freedom -- which is a necessary prerequisite to our economic freedom.It's pretty clear that The Crux is the on-line version of the anti-Catholic fishwrap not only enabling, but encouraging dissent from core doctrines of the Church.
So somebody explain to me why Cardinal O'Malley is cheering on this latest assault against the faith?
It seems today that we have a large number of high level clerics who believe sowing confusion is a virtue. They call it "mercy" to encourage people to walk a tightrope across the pit of hell laden down with unrepented mortal sins. One can only hope that the sinners are ignorant of the seriousness of their condition. It's hard to believe the clerics are!

Jesus said "Zeal for your house consumes me!" Meanwhile, our modern pharisees turn the house of God into an amusement park where "all are welcome" and everyone is assured of heaven. I wonder what St. Robert Bellarmine would say if he were here today. He would no doubt be on his way to Malta with Cardinal Burke.
Sharing a Lovely Blog about a Family with Five Special Children....
...including one who has Down Syndrome. Never feel sorry for a family with a Down Syndrome child. They are the blessed ones with an angel in their midst.
The Table for Eight
The Table for Eight
Down Syndrome,
great blogs,
special needs children
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
More Bad News from the Vatican
Exile for Cardinal Raymond Burke
What to make of this? Sandro Magister is one of the most respected reporters on Vatican doings.
The more I see coming out of Rome, the more I shake my head.
Lord, your people are starving for lack of authentic teaching. Please help us!
What to make of this? Sandro Magister is one of the most respected reporters on Vatican doings.
The more I see coming out of Rome, the more I shake my head.
Lord, your people are starving for lack of authentic teaching. Please help us!
The Smoke of Confusion Fills the Sanctuary!
I haven't written anything about the recent wedding ceremony at the Vatican that included co-habiting couples. I've been too mystified to comment. But I read the article linked below today and can't disagree. I also didn't realize that the cohabiting couples did not apply, but were "handpicked" to participate. Huh?
Will Archbishop Dolan Feature Brokeback Mountain at the Fulton Sheen Center?
What kind of elite glitteratti will Cardinal Dolan entertain at the new center? Maybe Michelle and Barack will fly up to the Big Apple in Air Force 1 to attend. What a photo op: a big poster of Fulton Sheen on one side and a laughing Cardinal Dolan on the other. Gives me goosebumps.
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Center for Art and Culture
Here's what the diocese says about the center and events to be held:
As for events at the Fulton Sheen Center, does anyone trust Cardinal "Bravo's" interpretation of what is "unacceptable to the Church?"
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Center for Art and Culture
Here's what the diocese says about the center and events to be held:
the center includes an exhibition area; several conference rooms that are able to be opened into one large conference room; a “black box” theatre, which holds 93 people and can be configured to suit the particular needs of any event; a theatre that holds 250 people; and—of course—a chapel for those who visit the center and want to sit, converse, and pray with the Lord....
Additionally, the center will rent space to outside organizations for events. Some of these will likely have religious overtones and others will not. But, there are bills to be paid, and we don’t want the center to be a financial drain on the archdiocese. However, no event will present a message unacceptable to the Church, and all programs will have the purpose of bringing the true, the good, and the beautiful to our community.Well, we all know that letting gay activists march in the St. Patrick's Day Parade fits Cardinal Dolan's idea of what is acceptable to the Church. And I expect gay activists will be asking to present The Laramie Project, the gay propaganda play that promotes the lie that Matthew Shepherd was killed because he was gay. It's been a great propaganda tool to advance the gay agenda. And who cares if it's a myth? To read the real story go here. It's a tragedy that Matthew Shepherd or anyone else is murdered, but the fact is when you lead a dangerous lifestyle you increase your risk of a violent death, a wasted one at that. Be willing to die for something, but let it be something worth dying for -- like the martyrs of the Church.
As for events at the Fulton Sheen Center, does anyone trust Cardinal "Bravo's" interpretation of what is "unacceptable to the Church?"
What Does Our Culture of Death Need? A Church of Feasting or a Church of Fasting?
by Fr. Tom Collins
Over the past two centuries, the Church has been under a relentless attack by those intent on ridiculing and destroying the Faith through the diabolical dynamic of dialectical materialism, the promotion of perverted pursuit of pleasure, and the desecrating cynicism of secularism. Sadly, those intent on bringing the Catholic Faith into harmony with the expectations of secular society have even found sympathizers among the Church’s hierarchy and among leaders in many Catholic institutions of higher learning. One of the most effective strategies in this campaign has been to hijack the interpretation of the documents of the Second Vatican Council, so as to make Catholics more amenable to the agendas of the Culture of Desecration and Death. The degree to which this strategy has been able to detour the Church’s life, teaching and ministry from her commission to evangelize the world can be clarified by raising certain questions for discernment, such as the following:
Are a Rub and a Tickle Worth an Eternity in Hell?
And are sins of silence and omission by shepherds worth an eternity in hell? Beg the shepherds to blow the warning trumpet to save souls from damnation. Hell is no joke and in our culture of sex many will go there unless they repent. Mary said at Fatima that most souls go to hell for sins of the flesh and the Mother of God is no liar!
Today is the feast of Pope St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian, bishop of Carthage. These two martyrs had the challenge of discerning how to deal with those Christians who apostasized in the face of Roman persecution. Some wanted the apostates excommunicated. Others wanted them welcomed back with open arms. These two saints took the middle road. Emphasizing the mercy of Christ, they required a period of penance before the apostates could be reconciled to the Church.
Yes, Christ is merciful or how could any of us hope to be saved? But he will not reconcile with the unrepentant. We cannot at one and the same time embrace the works of the devil and embrace Christ. So we must repent and be saved. Christ has his arms outstretched on the cross waiting to welcome us home. But if we are racing headlong down the road to hell, He will not force us to stop and return.
I pray someone loves me enough if I am choosing serious sin (Shepherds, are you listening?) to put a roadblock in my path to trip me up and make me think and repent!
Jesus, please have mercy on me.
Today is the feast of Pope St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian, bishop of Carthage. These two martyrs had the challenge of discerning how to deal with those Christians who apostasized in the face of Roman persecution. Some wanted the apostates excommunicated. Others wanted them welcomed back with open arms. These two saints took the middle road. Emphasizing the mercy of Christ, they required a period of penance before the apostates could be reconciled to the Church.
Yes, Christ is merciful or how could any of us hope to be saved? But he will not reconcile with the unrepentant. We cannot at one and the same time embrace the works of the devil and embrace Christ. So we must repent and be saved. Christ has his arms outstretched on the cross waiting to welcome us home. But if we are racing headlong down the road to hell, He will not force us to stop and return.
I pray someone loves me enough if I am choosing serious sin (Shepherds, are you listening?) to put a roadblock in my path to trip me up and make me think and repent!
Jesus, please have mercy on me.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
When I wake up in the night, I pray: sometimes Mother Teresa's "instant novena" of nine Memorares, sometimes decades of the rosary, sometimes seven Hail Mary's for the seven sorrows of the Blessed Mother. Will you comfort Our Lady before you go to bed tonight?
Mary's Seven Sorrows
Simeon Prophesies that a sword will pierce Mary's heart
Mary and Joseph Flee into Egypt to Protect Jesus from Herod's Evil Plan
Mary and Joseph Search in Sorrow throughout Jerusalem for the Christ Child
Mary Meets Jesus on the Via Dolorosa as he carries His cross to Calvary
Mary Grieves at the foot of the Cross for Her Suffering Son
Mary Receives the Dead Body of Her Son at the Foot of the Cross
Mary Accompanies the Body of Jesus to the TombFor more go here.
Please Pray for Convert Brother of ISIS Leader
UPDATE: Apparently World Net Daily Report is a satire site and this is a hoax. Next time I see a story like this I'll look for a disclaimer on the masthead. On the other hand, it wasn't that farfetched. Other Muslims have converted to Christianity. Here's a long list. It includes a journalist/politician who entered the Catholic Church in 2008 at the Vatican's Easter vigil presided over by Pope Benedict. So let's pray for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the man who would be caliph. No one is unreachable by God's love, truth, and mercy.
Brother of Top ISIS Leader Repents, Converts to Christianity
Let's surround this man and his family with a hedge of protection through prayer and sacrifice. As we begin today the 54 day novena to defeat Islam, take this as a sign from heaven that Our Lady of Fatima is ready to work another miracle!
Brother of Top ISIS Leader Repents, Converts to Christianity
Let's surround this man and his family with a hedge of protection through prayer and sacrifice. As we begin today the 54 day novena to defeat Islam, take this as a sign from heaven that Our Lady of Fatima is ready to work another miracle!
Wow! Do We Really Have Two Popes?
One who kept the responsibility of praying and suffering for the universal Church and one responsible to exercise Church governance? Can the papacy be schizophrenic?
Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
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Our Lady of Ransom with St. Raymong and St. Peter |
And let us follow his advice and pray to Our Lady of Ransom/Mercy for the conversion of our Muslim neighbors. The best way to defeat an enemy is to make him your brother or sister in Christ! And even if he isn't, treat him with the same respect.
The feast of Our Lady of Ransom/Mercy is this week on September 24th. This has special meaning for me because I attended Gwynedd Mercy Academy in Gwynedd Valley, PA which was named for Our Lady of Mercy.
The Feast of the Exultation of the Holy Cross
As we celebrate the Feast of The Exaltation of the Holy Cross we recall with deep compassion Our Lord Jesus’ suffering on the Cross out of love for us, for our salvation and for our sins. In that light, we cannot help but call to mind the many Christians who are now being persecuted for the sake of their love of Christ and His Cross. This persecution has descended to new depths of depravity at the hands of the army calling itself the “Islamic State in Iraq and Syria” (ISIS), who are going so far as to torture Christians to death by hanging them on crosses.
Most Muslims today oppose this kind of violent persecution of Christians. Nevertheless, violence against non-Muslims is very much a part of Islamic teaching and history. After all, almost immediately after founding Islam in 610 AD Muhammad himself took up the sword and led armies to force his Arab neighbors to convert to Islam: “submit or die.” By the time of his death in 632 he had conquered, by violence or threat of violence, a good part of western Arabia, and by 711 the armies of his successors had conquered not only all of northern Africa but also almost all of the Iberian Peninsula—Spain and Portugal. Their march into Western Europe was finally stopped by the armies of Charles Martel (“The Hammer”) in 732. Attempted invasions of Eastern Europe and Italy continued over the centuries, including the defeat of the Byzantine Empire and the conquest of Constantinople in 1453. Persecution of Christians in Muslim countries also continued throughout this period.
Violence against non-Muslims continued in lesser ways more or less continuously until the 20th century, (Read more....)
Most Muslims today oppose this kind of violent persecution of Christians. Nevertheless, violence against non-Muslims is very much a part of Islamic teaching and history. After all, almost immediately after founding Islam in 610 AD Muhammad himself took up the sword and led armies to force his Arab neighbors to convert to Islam: “submit or die.” By the time of his death in 632 he had conquered, by violence or threat of violence, a good part of western Arabia, and by 711 the armies of his successors had conquered not only all of northern Africa but also almost all of the Iberian Peninsula—Spain and Portugal. Their march into Western Europe was finally stopped by the armies of Charles Martel (“The Hammer”) in 732. Attempted invasions of Eastern Europe and Italy continued over the centuries, including the defeat of the Byzantine Empire and the conquest of Constantinople in 1453. Persecution of Christians in Muslim countries also continued throughout this period.
Violence against non-Muslims continued in lesser ways more or less continuously until the 20th century, (Read more....)
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Join the Rosary Novena to Defeat Radical Islam
A friend sent me the following email urging Catholics around the world to join a rosary novena to defeat radical Islam. It begins tomorrow and continues for 54 days until the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Please, please join. This is a good way for us to "ransom" those being persecuted by ISIS and other evil Islamic groups. Here's Allyson's email:
Dear All,
My good friend Anthony Gonzales of St. Joseph's Men Society in San Jose is urging a 4-day worldwide Rosary novena to defeat radical Islam starting tomorrow, Sept. 15, the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, and ending December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. The first 27 days will be in petition for our Blessed Mother Mary's intercession with her Divine Son, Jesus, for Islam's defeat, and the second 27 days will be in thanksgiving for hearing our prayers and taking them before her Son's glorious throne.
Please join and spread the word. If you are not Catholic, please pray to Jesus for the defeat of satanic radical Islam. Here's a link with "Novena Prayers" prayers that are beautiful and suitable for praying by Christians of any denomination.
God bless you,
AllysonAnthony has started a Facebook page to promote the novena. Go there for more information. And if you want to help even more, print up the flyer and pass it out at church and to your friends. There's a wealth of information here including prayers to be said during the novena, although if you can only say the rosary and make the intention please do that. In fact, whatever prayers you can say in joining will be appreciated. Jesus and His Blessed Mother can never be outdone in generosity and will reward whatever efforts their children make.
Remember, some devils can only be driven out by prayer and fasting. Make some extra sacrifices to add efficacy to your prayer. It let's Jesus and Mary know how serious you are and how much we all need their help!
Has Cardinal McCarrick Lost His Mind? Please Muzzle This Ignorant Mullah!
Has he lost his mind? Absolutely! Will anybody in the hierarchy shut him up? We wish!
Catholic Cardinal McCarrick Embraces Islam
Catholic Cardinal McCarrick Embraces Islam
Now read what a layman and a cleric who REALLY KNOW ISLAM say:
Update on Fr. Justin Wylie, Traditional Priest "Eliminated" by Cardinal Dolan
If you aren't familiar with Fr. Wylie's "elimination" by Cardinal "Bravo for Homosexuals" Dolan you can read a little of the back story here, here, and here. And Michael Voris covered the controversy here.
I've been wondering what happened to Fr. Wylie after being "run out of town on a rail by the jolly New York cardinal" and was glad to get a post from Matt Abbott today that gave some details from the priest himself. Fr. Wylie is back in South Africa with a parish assignment. Here's what Matt posted:
I've been wondering what happened to Fr. Wylie after being "run out of town on a rail by the jolly New York cardinal" and was glad to get a post from Matt Abbott today that gave some details from the priest himself. Fr. Wylie is back in South Africa with a parish assignment. Here's what Matt posted:
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Is Liberation Theology the New Vatican Strategy?
The previous two popes condemned it, but under Papa Francis liberation theology seems to be experiencing a new life with papal approval. Pray very hard! Unless you speak Italian you'll need to click the translate button to read the article below.
The Case of D'Escoto
The Case of D'Escoto
Friday, September 12, 2014
"Irish Queers" Demand a Place in St. Patty's Parade
Did anyone really think the parade organizers could breathe a sigh of relief after letting ONE gay activist group march in the St. Patrick's Day Parade. Surprise! "Irish Queers" are NOT happy and they are demanding the NYC government ban all uniformed police officers, firefighters, etc. from marching. They also want city officials to boycott the parade as well. And...they want the one group approved to back out.
Read their press releases here and here.
Last March the "Irish Queers" rallied along the parade route between 56th and 57th Streets. This isn't over by a long shot.
Cardinal Dolan, are you really so blind and naive that you didn't see this coming?
The homosexual community will not be happy until they turn the St. Patrick's Day Parade into one more gay pride event with nearly nude homosexual participants acting out in public. IT'S WHAT THEY DO! In the future expect to see green-thonged leprechauns humping and grinding in the NYC St. Patrick's Day Parade to the tune of It's a Great Day for the "Irish Queers!"
Cincinnati, on the other hand, has reverted to their former practice of invitation-only for their St. Patrick's Day Parade. They also are not inviting politicians to participate. Good for them!
Read their press releases here and here.
Last March the "Irish Queers" rallied along the parade route between 56th and 57th Streets. This isn't over by a long shot.
Cardinal Dolan, are you really so blind and naive that you didn't see this coming?
The homosexual community will not be happy until they turn the St. Patrick's Day Parade into one more gay pride event with nearly nude homosexual participants acting out in public. IT'S WHAT THEY DO! In the future expect to see green-thonged leprechauns humping and grinding in the NYC St. Patrick's Day Parade to the tune of It's a Great Day for the "Irish Queers!"
Cincinnati, on the other hand, has reverted to their former practice of invitation-only for their St. Patrick's Day Parade. They also are not inviting politicians to participate. Good for them!
Diocese of Arlington, This Means You!
Catholics should reassess parish contributions to socialists
Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement is an affiliate of the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) and was begun, I'm sad to say, by two priests, Fr. Tuck Grinnell and Fr. Gerry Creedon.
Here are the Catholic Churches in Arlington affiliated with VOICE:
Holy Family
Sacred Heart (Prince William Cty.)
St. Francis of Assisi
Good Shepherd
Nativity of the Lord
St. John Neumann
St. Joseph
Our Lady Queen of Peace
St. Charles Borromeo
Most of these parishes are well known for dissent and liberalism. It's interesting that St. Anthony disappeared from the list after Fr. Tuck Grinnell moved to St. Charles Borromeo (where Fr. Gerry Creedon was a former pastor). Fr. Marcus Pollard is the current pastor and we suspect he made the decision to disaffiliate from VOICE. Thank you, Father.
Parishioners at the churches named above would be well advised to ask their pastors to get out of VOICE. They should also ask for financial accountability. How much money has been funneled into VOICE from their parishes over the years?
Parishioners at the churches named above would be well advised to ask their pastors to get out of VOICE. They should also ask for financial accountability. How much money has been funneled into VOICE from their parishes over the years?
There are many legitimate charitable organizations that do NOT promote activities that conflict with Catholic teaching. VOICE and the IAF are NOT one of them!
Cardinal George Urges Catholics to "Swim Against the Tide"

Swimming against the tide means limiting one’s access to positions of prestige and power in society. It means that those who choose to live by the Catholic faith will not be welcomed as political candidates to national office, will not sit on editorial boards of major newspapers, will not be at home on most university faculties, will not have successful careers as actors and entertainers. Nor will their children, who will also be suspect.
Can you imagine the Administration's Acts if Obama's Golfing Buddies Were Kidnapped?
Foley Brother Says Family Was Threatened by State Department
Can you imagine the gyrations moving heaven and earth if one of Obama's golfing buddies were being held by ISIS? Here's a man who sent three admin officials to Michael Brown's funeral but not a one to John Foley's. Well, Foley was a Catholic after all and who knows how Foley's coverage of POTUS was. Besides, Obama's golf game just blew thoughts of the Foley out of his head. Some things just aren't that important. Besides, ISIS isn't really Islamic and he didn't want to put to much admin focus on a non-event.
Can you imagine the gyrations moving heaven and earth if one of Obama's golfing buddies were being held by ISIS? Here's a man who sent three admin officials to Michael Brown's funeral but not a one to John Foley's. Well, Foley was a Catholic after all and who knows how Foley's coverage of POTUS was. Besides, Obama's golf game just blew thoughts of the Foley out of his head. Some things just aren't that important. Besides, ISIS isn't really Islamic and he didn't want to put to much admin focus on a non-event.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
If you need a reason other than killing babies...
...for avoiding vaccines made from aborted babies' stem cell lines, read this article about the link between these vaccines and autism.
Study Links Autism to Vaccines
Study Links Autism to Vaccines
"I Am the Light of the World."
I love to read quotes of the saints. They provide such fruit for meditation. Here is one from St. Catherine of Siena. It makes me think of something an artist might say.
Goodness shines brightly against evil. Consider the heroism of Irene Sendler and other courageous men and women who fought the Nazis.
Think of the early Roman martyrs who faced the savage beasts and the even more savage crowds in the Roman Coliseum.
It only takes one candle to push back the darkest night.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Are We Losing Our Kids to the Homosexual Zeitgeist?
There is no more poignant passage in the Gospels than the question Jesus asks in Luke 18:8, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find any faith on the earth?”
Sandwiched between two parables on prayer, the parable of the unjust judge accosted by the persistent widow and the parable of the self-righteous Pharisee and the penitent publican, Jesus emphasizes the necessity of humility and faithful perseverance in prayer. But his question also implies a negative answer. Difficulties, persecutions, the temptations of the world -- all make apostasy, even mass apostasy, a real possibility. How many will faithfully persist to the end? Will the Son of Man on his return find anybody awaiting him? Jesus asks a real question; the answer is uncertain.
The long-term future of any endeavor depends on the young. [Read more here.]
Sandwiched between two parables on prayer, the parable of the unjust judge accosted by the persistent widow and the parable of the self-righteous Pharisee and the penitent publican, Jesus emphasizes the necessity of humility and faithful perseverance in prayer. But his question also implies a negative answer. Difficulties, persecutions, the temptations of the world -- all make apostasy, even mass apostasy, a real possibility. How many will faithfully persist to the end? Will the Son of Man on his return find anybody awaiting him? Jesus asks a real question; the answer is uncertain.
The long-term future of any endeavor depends on the young. [Read more here.]
Monday, September 8, 2014
Virginia State Delegate Weighs in on Impact of Cardinal Dolan's Gay Enabling
Bob Marshall never shrinks from confronting power with the truth. No matter the cost to his own career, Bob always defends the faith, the family, and the common good. He is true Catholic statesman. And he makes a valid point that should give every Catholic concerned about the direction of our country grave concern:
Cardinal Dolan's actions will make enacting legislation in conformity with the Natural Law immeasurably harder to defend especially for lay Catholics or Catholic legislators.
Openly "Gay" Groups Should Not Be Allowed to march in the New York St. Patrick's
Day Parade
by Delegate
Bob Marshall (R-VA)
[Publisher's Note: Below
is the letter that Delegate Bob Marshall
sent to Archbishop Carlo
Vigano, the Vatican representative
to the United States.
Marshall is an elected member of the Virginia legislature from the 13th
District. See contact information below for both Delegate Marshall and
Archbishop Vigano.]
Read this letter online
Please post this link at
Facebook and websites.
Your Excellency
Archbishop Vigano:
New York's Timothy
Cardinal Dolan, appointed as Grand Marshal of the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Parade,
praised the decision to allow an openly gay group to march in the annual parade.
"I have no trouble with the decision at all ... I think the decision is a wise
Open Letter to Cardinal Dolan from Catholic Citizens of Illinois
Mary Anne Hackett, president of Catholic Citizens of Illinois has written a gracious letter to Cardinal Dolan asking him to withdraw as Grand Marshall of the St. Patrick's Day Parade. Pray that Cardinal Dolan listens to those who are exhorting him to be a clear voice instead of a clanging cymbal.
Open Letter
Open Letter
On Her Birthday Ask Mary to Untie This Gordian's Knot
More has come out from Peoria about the despicable actions of the Archdiocese of New York with regard to the canonization process for Fulton Sheen by the Diocese of Peoria after New York expressed no interest. Funny how things changed after a miracle occurred.
In view of all Cardinal Dolan's other scandals, breaking a few promises to another bishop may appear trivial, but I'd say his actions further illustrate the man. As scripture says, if you can trust a man in small things, you can trust him in greater. Would you buy a used car from Cardinal Dolan?
Read Ooops! Cardinal Dolan Does It Again!
On Mary's birthday let's pray for her intercession to untie this Gordian's knot. Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for us.
In view of all Cardinal Dolan's other scandals, breaking a few promises to another bishop may appear trivial, but I'd say his actions further illustrate the man. As scripture says, if you can trust a man in small things, you can trust him in greater. Would you buy a used car from Cardinal Dolan?
Read Ooops! Cardinal Dolan Does It Again!
On Mary's birthday let's pray for her intercession to untie this Gordian's knot. Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for us.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Apocalypse Now?
I'm reading Morris West's novel, The Clowns of God. It was published in 1981 and tells the story of a pope, Gregory XVII who has a private revelation that the world is about to end. Rather than allow him to publicize the warning for fear of the consequences, the Roman curia force him to abdicate and retire to a monastery.
What's almost creepy about the book is that it could have been written today with all the societal problems we are experiencing mirroring the portrait of a world in imminent collapse from wars, economic disasters, and general immorality.
Doing a little research on West, I found he wrote four books in what is considered his "Vatican sequence." The first was The Devil's Advocate, the second, The Shoes of the Fisherman. I read both of those years ago, but don't remember much about the stories. The Shoes of the Fisherman, told the story of the first slavic pope. The book was published in 1963 long before Pope John Paul II ascended the papal throne. The book I'm reading now, as I wrote above, tells of a successor who abdicates. Hmm...remind you of anyone?
Did West have a prophetic streak?
And speaking of the apocalypse...if it came tomorrow would you be prepared?
What's almost creepy about the book is that it could have been written today with all the societal problems we are experiencing mirroring the portrait of a world in imminent collapse from wars, economic disasters, and general immorality.
Doing a little research on West, I found he wrote four books in what is considered his "Vatican sequence." The first was The Devil's Advocate, the second, The Shoes of the Fisherman. I read both of those years ago, but don't remember much about the stories. The Shoes of the Fisherman, told the story of the first slavic pope. The book was published in 1963 long before Pope John Paul II ascended the papal throne. The book I'm reading now, as I wrote above, tells of a successor who abdicates. Hmm...remind you of anyone?
Did West have a prophetic streak?
And speaking of the apocalypse...if it came tomorrow would you be prepared?
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Where is the Schism Coming From?
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Why does this reminds me of Cdl. Dolan? |
Cardinal Dolan and the Shameful NYC Gay Parade
I certainly have a lot more in common with the traditionalists who publish Catholic Family News than I have with Cardinal Dolan and his continuous congratulations of active sodomites.
Really, I have great sympathy for sinners. I know personally what it is to be one which is why I go to Confession regularly. But I don't expect people to congratulate me for my sins. And I certainly don't pat my children and grandchildren and say, "Don't worry about committing mortal sins, precious ones. Jesus would never be so mean as to send you to hell. You don't have to worry. He's the Candy Man and the Pillsbury Dough Boy all rolled into one and he's fixing you funnel cake for your funeral canonization. So don't worry about reforming your life, just go your way and sin some more."
Isn't it time for Cardinal Dolan to learn the spiritual work of mercy, "admonish the sinner," or does he care so little for sinners that he wants to be like the pharisees whom Jesus warned, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you frauds! You travel over sea and land to make a single convert, but once he is converted you make a devil of him twice as wicked as yourselves."
Did Cardinal Dolan's "bravo!" for Michael Sam encourage him to give up his sinful lifestyle or confirm him in it? Did his approbation of the homosexuals at St. Francis of Assisi encourage even one of them to repent? I seriously doubt it. (Michael Voris made that obvious when he interviewed homosexuals after the pre-pride Mass.) He's like parents who approve of a child's homosexual lifestyle or bless the cohabitation of a son or daughter with a lover, or celebrate a child marrying outside the Church. They fear the wrath of their children more than they care about loving God. ("If you love me, you will keep my commandments." John 14:15)
Cardinal Dolan is an irresponsible father to his spiritual children. That is simply the truth. If I acted like that with my own children, I would fear for my salvation. As it is, I fear for the "unity" of the Church. Cardinal Dolan always talks about unity when he is committing a scandal, but his actions threaten the unity of the Church. You cannot make whole cloth by uniting a dry-rotted fabric with a newly loomed piece, you cannot unite good and evil. Cardinal Dolan's actions rend the temple veil, and that sounds like schism to me!
Friday, September 5, 2014
St. Corbinian's Bear: Dolan to Catholics: Everybody Into the Ghetto
Read the great post linked below that addresses Cardinal Dolan's decision to pander to the homosexual activists. They've been lobbying for years to get into the St. Patrick's Day Parade and it took this homosexualist cardinal to allow it. The gays have their own parade (Can you imagine them letting a pro-life, pro-chastity group march under their banner?), but that doesn't give them the approbation and normalization they get from marching in a parade that celebrates Catholic heritage, one led by a Catholic Cardinal who will probably be happy to give them a photo op. Thanks again, Cardinal Dolan!
St. Corbinian's Bear: Dolan to Catholics: Everybody Into the Ghetto
St. Corbinian's Bear: Dolan to Catholics: Everybody Into the Ghetto
Disappearing Blog Posts: Poof, No Criticizing Cardinal Dolan Allowed!
I received the following forwarded email sent out by Christian McDonnell. I'm happy she copied the text of Msgr. Pope's blog article before it disappeared in a puff of incense!
Here’s the full text of the post, copied from blog before it was apparently removed:
Time to End the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and the Al Smith Dinner?
By: Msgr. Charles Pope
The time for happy-clappy, lighthearted engagement of our culture may be nearing an end. Sometimes it takes a while to understand that what used to work no longer works. Let me get more specific.
Decades ago the “Al Smith Dinner” was a time for Republicans and Democrats to bury the hatchet (even if only temporarily) and come together to raise money for the poor and to emphasize what unites us rather than what divides us. But in the old days the death of 50 million infants was not what divided us. We were divided about lesser things such as how much of the budget should go to defense and how much to social spending. Reasonable men might differ over that.
Have a Beer, but NOT DuClaw and NOT wearing "Virgin Mary" Jeans!
I received the following email from a fellow blogger about "Virgin Mary" jeans and I agree that this kind of thing deserves a rebuke. Last night I was out at a local burger and brat place for dinner and noticed on the beer list one labeled "Sweet Baby Jesus." (Read about the "slightly blasphemous" beer here.) Taking God's name in vain is a sin against the second commandment. It offends God and also offends Christians, but offending Christians is, not only, perfectly acceptable these days, it shows how with it you are. After you leave a note at light in the box about the offensive jeans, how about taking a minute to tell DuClaw brewing company that you will not drink "Sweet Baby Jesus," but you won't buy any of their other beers either. There are certainly plenty of other beers from which to choose. And I think I'll mention to the owner of the brat place that having that on the menu is offensive to Christians. Here's a link to DuClaw's contact page and you can read the email I sent at the bottom of this post.
‘I’m sorry to trouble you, but you have a large readership on your blog-site and, if you think it appropriate, I wonder if you would like to mention to your readers that an international clothing/dress/ etc company named ‘LightInTheBox’, is promoting the sale of men’s trousers described in the sale as ‘Virgin Mary print denim jeans’. My first impression when seeing this was that it was both offensive and blasphemous, and as a result I sent an email to the company complaining of this in these terms. The company is based in China, but it boasts of international trade. I doubt if my letter will have much influence, but if the company received many letters of complaint they might feel obliged to act- I suggested that they could change the name of the item, or remove it altogether.
If you can find the time, I would be grateful if you would have a look at the offending advert. If you think it worth pursuing, perhaps a few lines to your readers suggesting that they might like to complain to this company. This can be done by email through their ‘contact us’ link.
‘LightInTheBox’ can be traced through Google, although I will try to put a direct link below. The particular item in question is under ‘men’s trousers(pants)’ and is near the end of the list.
Thank you very much for your time.’
Yours sincerely,
Brian Crowe. AKA ‘whitesmokeahoy’/’umblepie’
Email to Du Claw brewery:
I was at one of our local pubs last night for dinner and noticed "Sweet Baby Jesus" on the beer list. I was surprised to see Jesus name taken in vain for a beer label. As a Catholic, I am offended by what one of your reviewers called a "slight blasphemy." There is no such thing. I will not be drinking any of your beer and I plan to talk to the owner of the restaurant about removing that item from his list. We're a small town and I will be asking other members of the congregation to object if the owner is reluctant to remove it.
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