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Thursday, December 31, 2015
Caution, Not for Children: Make Reparation on First Saturday for this Evil Act
It is disturbing that satanists are now performing their rites in public. They used to hide and do their dirty deeds in secret. But satan is so bold these days he happily exposes himself. I hope everyone reading this will make the First Saturday of reparation on January 2nd.
Reflecting on the Old Year as I Look Forward to the New
Celebrating 4th of July with a family parade. |
But here is my long list of thank yous for 2015:
1) For family and the opportunities to celebrate:
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Caution: Gay Pride for Kids
Support Mass Resistance. They are on the front lines trying to protect our poor children sucked into perverted death styles by an aggressive movement looking for fresh meat. Adolescents are often sexually confused and (especially if home life is troubled) can be easily drawn into homosexuality or lesbianism by seduction, pornography, and aggressive recruitment. Note the adult "chicken hawks" promoting lust for children.
"But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea."
Matthew 18:6
"But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea."
Matthew 18:6
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
From the Loony Left Coast Comes this Insane Washington Law
Men who identify as women MUST be allowed to use women's restrooms and locker room facilities.
The Washington State Human Rights Commission says it's about "equality." One is tempted to respond with profanity.
The Washington State Human Rights Commission says it's about "equality." One is tempted to respond with profanity.
Monday, December 28, 2015
Feast of the Holy Innocents: The Old Herod and the New -- Boycott Nestle!
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Flavorings developed using aborted babies. |
But one thing Herod did NOT do: he never ordered the babies to be brought back and served at the royal table.
#Fight-the-Grim Reaper: Repeal the Texas Advance Directives Act
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Adolf Eichmann: he'd love the Texas Advance Directives Act! |
Chris Dunn is every Texan.
As long as the Advanced Directive Act is on the books, not a single vulnerable patient in Texas is safe. Here's how Texas Right to Life puts it:
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Feast of the Holy Family: The Family Dinner is a Must!
One of the things I always made sure happened at our house when the children were growing up was the family dinner. Even when the kids were involved in activities I tried to plan dinner so we could all eat together and, generally, we did.
Our family is down to two, but I still try to make a delicious healthy dinner for the two of us that we eat together. And on the feast of the Holy Family it seems like an appropriate thing to think about.
Our family is down to two, but I still try to make a delicious healthy dinner for the two of us that we eat together. And on the feast of the Holy Family it seems like an appropriate thing to think about.
Meditation for Sunday: Where Have All the Good Manners Gone?
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The father of our country valued good manners! |
I once read something to the effect that good manners are the grease that make the gears of society run smoothly. Not only that, but good manners are biblical. Remember St. Paul's description of love in 1 Corinthians 13? They might be a primer on good manners.
Ex-Muslim Woman Urges Others to Learn the Evil in the Koran
Please, don't repeat the propaganda. Islam is NOT a religion of peace. How many Muslims, like the woman in the video, have NO IDEA who Mohammad was and what evils he promoted in the name of Allah?
Islam vs. Christianity,
Violence of Islam
Saturday, December 26, 2015
My First Nomination for the 2015 Darwin Awards
Let this be a lesson to all you folks who never put your cell phone down. I dedicate this silly poem to you:
cell phone disasters,
Darwin Awards,
silly poems
Friday, December 25, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Chris Dunn Dies after Texas Hospital Tried to Kill Him
Patient Shown in Shocking Video Begging to Stay Alive Dies After Hospital Tried to Kill Him
Texas certainly didn't make Chris Dunn's final days pleasant. Can you imagine knowing the medical staff around you wants you dead? Please pray for the repose of his soul.
May the soul of Chris and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for him. St. Joseph, patron of a happy death, pray for him.
Have a Politically Correct Non-White Christmas

Come to think of it, didn't a high level Vatican official recently say that words that hurt used against the pope are the same as violence against his person, an offense that incurs excommunication? Archbishop Fisichella addressing reporters in early December talking about the year of Mercy described offenses against the Holy Father opining:
The Lord Comes, not on the Clouds of Heaven, but as a Baby in a Manger
I was cuddling my grandson Max yesterday. He was missing his mommy and daddy who were off on secret Santa business. As I rocked Max I gazed across the room at the manger scene. I have several set up around the house this season so I can hardly go into a room without reflecting on the Lord Who comes. And it makes me think.
Why did Jesus come as a baby? He is, after all, -- the Lord of the universe, the creator of all things, He Who is and Who was and Who will be. He is all-good, all-powerful, all-knowing -- and yet He comes to us, His sinful creatures, as a helpless baby.
What would we expect if we were to guess how God would come to us? Would he come as a king? An emperor? A world judge with the power to pass judgment and dispense justice?
He is all those things and we will certainly see Him that way on the Day of Judgment. But He came to us as a helpless baby? Why?
Why did Jesus come as a baby? He is, after all, -- the Lord of the universe, the creator of all things, He Who is and Who was and Who will be. He is all-good, all-powerful, all-knowing -- and yet He comes to us, His sinful creatures, as a helpless baby.
What would we expect if we were to guess how God would come to us? Would he come as a king? An emperor? A world judge with the power to pass judgment and dispense justice?
He is all those things and we will certainly see Him that way on the Day of Judgment. But He came to us as a helpless baby? Why?
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
"Brain Death" on Trial: Jahi McMath and George Pickering
Lawyers for Jahi McMath are filing a federal lawsuit today seeking restoration of the young woman's constitutional rights and calling for the California statute under which she was defined as "brain dead" be declared unconstitutional. This is big! Pray for the success of this suit.
And then watch the video of Texas dad, George Pickering, who held up a hospital ward to prevent the death peddlers who declared his son "brain dead" after a "massive stroke" from removing life support and "harvesting" his organs. Thanks to his dad who paid with a jail term, his son is alive and fully recovered today and very grateful to his father.
And then watch the video of Texas dad, George Pickering, who held up a hospital ward to prevent the death peddlers who declared his son "brain dead" after a "massive stroke" from removing life support and "harvesting" his organs. Thanks to his dad who paid with a jail term, his son is alive and fully recovered today and very grateful to his father.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
The Hospital Couldn't Wait to Get Those Organs!
What would you do to save your child? This is one more example of the lie of "brain death." The doctors said he could not recover. How much do they really know? Thank God for this good dad who was willing to fight the death peddlers. Houston is the city where Methodist Hospital is planning to kill Chris Dunn. Pray and twitter #HelpChrisSeeChristmas!
What would you do to save your child? This is one more example of the lie of "brain death." The doctors said he could not recover. How much do they really know? Thank God for this good dad who was willing to fight the death peddlers. Houston is the city where Methodist Hospital is planning to kill Chris Dunn. Pray and twitter #HelpChrisSeeChristmas!
Small Town Blessings: Merry Christmas for One!
I love living in Woodstock! (The "other Woodstock") As I've gone around town the last few days I haven't been wished happy holidays or seasons greetings. No, the clerk at the post office and the cashiers at Sheetz and Rite Aid all wished me a "Merry Christmas." Even a local real estate office wishes me a "very Merry Christmas" on their sign board every time I pass by. There is something so much more human in a small town. We lived in Alexandria for about 38 years and, while it offered many amenities we don't have in Woodstock -- five nearby parishes with lots of daily Mass times from which to choose, many good restaurants, several nearby Malls, and a great choice among grocery stores -- I gladly accept their loss for a less anonymous place filled with real people -- that and all the animals grazing on the hillsides and the wide variety of birds coming to our feeders -- not to mention the beautiful mountains.
Monday, December 21, 2015
America DOES NEED FATIMA! Especially Oklahoma City on Christmas Eve
Have you heard about the atheists in Oklahoma who plan to desecrate a statue of Mary outside the cathedral on Christmas Eve? This immediately brings to mind the outrages against Mary described in the Five First Saturdays of Reparation. Archbishop Coakley is urging parishioners not to give the group the attention they seek, but to pray and make acts of reparation. I hope all reading this will make reparation by taking the Fatima message to heart and living it.
For several months now, I have been reading every book I can get on Fatima. I believe Mary's apparitions there hold the key to our future. Why? Aren't private revelations optional? They aren't doctrine and believing in them isn't necessary for salvation, right? In one sense that statement is true. The only thing necessary for salvation is to follow the two great commandments, to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself -- no small feat actually. As Jesus said to the lawyer who correctly summarized the law, "Do this and you shall live."
For several months now, I have been reading every book I can get on Fatima. I believe Mary's apparitions there hold the key to our future. Why? Aren't private revelations optional? They aren't doctrine and believing in them isn't necessary for salvation, right? In one sense that statement is true. The only thing necessary for salvation is to follow the two great commandments, to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself -- no small feat actually. As Jesus said to the lawyer who correctly summarized the law, "Do this and you shall live."
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Donald Trump Just Did Himself In! No, Don, Abortion is NOT a "Small Part" of What PP Does
Donald Trump Defends Planned Parenthood!
Donald Trump just did himself in with a large segment of potential voters like me -- pro-life conservatives.
Donald Trump just did himself in with a large segment of potential voters like me -- pro-life conservatives.
"Making Dogma Out of Unsettled Science" by Fr. George Rutler
Check out Father Rutler's article at Umblepie. He really calls it on the manufactured crisis of "man-made global warming":
Bishop Sorondo's Statement on Global Warming: "It Is an embarrassment to the Church."
“To equate a papal position on abortion with a position on global warming is worse than wrong; it is an embarrassment for the Church.”...Fr. Fessio was unabashed in his criticism. “Bishop Sorondo is unknown to me, and – judging by this statement – eminently worthy of that ignorance,” he commented. “The best I can say of his remarks is that they seem to have been unprepared.”
Friday, December 18, 2015
Who Do You Worship? Bei Bei or the Babe in the Manger?
I was reading an article this morning about the baby panda, Bei Bei, at the National Zoo. The little guy made his unofficial debut with the press recently and everybody was ga-ga over his feeble attempts to find his legs. Bei Bei's name means "precious treasure," and he is as cute as can be. But I couldn't help thinking, as I looked at the faces of his keepers who are already lamenting that he'll be returned to China at age four, about all the "precious treasures" murdered under China's population control policy. Is a baby panda really more of a "precious treasure" than a tiny human infant created in God's image and likeness?
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Fr. Z's Liturgical Light Show: From the Sacrilegious to the Sublime....
The Light Show to Save the Planet through the Grace-Filled Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
...Don't miss it. See the clowns, the liturgicaldunces dancers, the faux female priests, etc. be surpassed by reverent Masses where Jesus is clearly Lord.
...Don't miss it. See the clowns, the liturgical
Reflecting on Social Justice: But What Is It?
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Does this depict the meaning of social justice for Catholics? |
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
"I Am the Lord Thy God, Thou Shalt Not Have Strange Gods Before Me!"
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Lux Fiat completely ignored the most endangered on earth. |
How Progressives Stack the Deck in the "Game" of Life and Death
Do you ever feel like you’re being gamed? I remember back in the 1970s. The media lived in the pockets of the pro-aborts. Trying to get a fair shake for the babies was harder than selling ice at the North Pole. Pro-aborts got pages of press filled with horror stories about illegal coat-hanger abortions despite the fact that most “back alley” abortionists were doctors and were very careful not to botch the abortion: they would lose their licenses. [Read more at Spero Forum.]
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
The Cover Up in New York: Is Cdl. Dolan Being Blackmailed?
Frankly, I want to thank the Catholic families who are bringing the lawsuit against the Archdiocese of New York. A priest friend of mine from California told me several years ago about a conversation he had with a U.S. financial adviser to the Vatican who told him the next major scandal would be about misuse of Church funds.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Dedicated to the USCCB: It Is a Mercy to Spread Laughter!

But, in view of all the loony stuff going on among churchmen today,
Do You Celebrate Snowmen and Snowflakes or Jesus?
This reflection by my friend Fr. Tom Collins reminded me of Robert Frost's poem, Fire and Ice. See if you agree. I've posted it after Father's reflection.
It is interesting to note how the bullies of political correctness have intimidated so many Christians from saying, "Merry Christmas". Instead, following the secular jubilation in celebrating snowflakes, snow men and snow jobs, we are to go deeply in debt to buy gifts and joyfully say, "Happy Holidays."
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Plea to Our Lady of Guadalupe: #ConvertTheModernAztecs!
Today on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I'm praying that the Queen of Heaven will intercede for the conversion of the modern Aztecs in our society:
- Planned Parenthood and all abortion providers and promoters who spill the blood of the innocent and victimize their mothers
- "Researchers" who, like Dr. Mengele, use the organs and tissues of the untermenschen to "advance science"
- The vital organ industry that literally rips the hearts out of living patients so they can give them to others and reap the billions in financial profits from the sale
More on the Light Show Fiasco at the Vatican
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Vatican up in flames -- exactly what Satan & his minions want! |
I just read a commentary at St. Corbinian's Bear blog. He pointed me to a scripture passage that seems completely on target for what happened at St. Peter's. And his commentary is spot on:
Finally, the Bear thought of this passage from Scripture as the holy place of St. Peter's was covered with animals.And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of the image of a corruptible man, and of birds, and of fourfooted beasts, and of creeping things. 24
Friday, December 11, 2015
Give Historical Fiction to Your Teen for Christmas...
....Ignorance of history condemns us to repeat the mistakes of the past. Not only that, but a rich understanding of history helps one to understand the present in a deeper way.
I recently read the first in a new historical fiction series for young adults called the Glaston Chronicles. I'm impressed enough to give it to grandchildren for Christmas. Take a look at the review and see whether this is something your children or grandchildren would like!
Trump: the "Darth Trump" and "Voldemort" of Politics?
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"Heeeere's Donald!" Are you scared yet? |
Thursday, December 10, 2015
The Church, Enabler of Terrorism and Other Evils?
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Christians about to be executed by Islamic terrorists |
VERY SOBERING AND PRPHETIC OBSERVATIONS. It is worth noting that, while Christianity was to proclaim the fulfillment of the Jewish Law and prophets in Christ, Islam was specifically established to supplant and destroy both Judaism and Christianity as both flawed and erroneous.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
In Which Fr. Z Has Much to Say about the "Sacrilege" at the Vatican
And What Would St. Peter Say about this do You Think?
While the pope excoriates the bad old "fundamentalist Catholics" who believe in "absolute truth" apparently climate change propagandists who believe in killing off the poor (and babies and the sick and the elderly, etc., etc.) should be allowed to project their abominable message onto St. Peter's. God help us all when the highest clerics in the Church become court jesters for the global elitists looking for a one world government under the prince of this world. Because that, friends, is what it's all about.
While the pope excoriates the bad old "fundamentalist Catholics" who believe in "absolute truth" apparently climate change propagandists who believe in killing off the poor (and babies and the sick and the elderly, etc., etc.) should be allowed to project their abominable message onto St. Peter's. God help us all when the highest clerics in the Church become court jesters for the global elitists looking for a one world government under the prince of this world. Because that, friends, is what it's all about.
#HelpChrisSeeChristmas: Pray for Chris Dunn!
The death peddlers are after the vulnerable. If you are seriously ill or debilitated, they will try to hasten your death. That Texas politicians would take the rights of patients and families and give them to hospital lawyers and administrators is unconscionable. Read more here and please post the hashtag #HelpChrisSeeChristmas to your Twitter account and please pass this message on. Today Chris, tomorrow you or your loved one.
Above all pray for Chris and his family. Don't let the Grim Reaper working for Methodist Hospital claim him one second earlier than in God's good time.
Advent Thoughts
The pine cone wreath made by Laura |
Daddy made the creche and I laugh whenever I put the green branches on the back that are coded to fit into their holders. I never remember my dad without a project. One was painting and crimping little juice cans to make a "building set" of tubes for grandkids. And I know he must have made the little manger for Jesus. There's even a pile of miniature wooden logs that rest beside the stable. St. Joseph would surely have been busy making sure there was plenty of fuel to keep his family toasty warm.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
"I am the Immaculate Conception"
Pray the rosary today in reparation for all the sins against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Pearl Harbor Day: Let's Remember Our Fallen Heroes and all Those who Serve
Pearl Harbor Day always brings thoughts of my dad who was a survivor of that horrific attack. He was on the U.S.S. Detroit and, as an ensign, was the ranking officer on board. He had just finished the duty watch and was going to bed when the shrill scream of the jets shattered the silence and bombs began exploding in the harbor. Obviously, nobody expected the attack on that early Sunday morning. The battleships, with their boilers down, were sitting ducks. Only two ships got out of the harbor that morning. The Detroit was one. They sent up plenty of fire power but the altitude fuses were locked up so it wasn't very accurate. Perhaps the Detroit was too little a fish for the Japanese to go after. Whatever the reason, they sustained no hits and no injuries. Thank God. My mom was pregnant with my oldest brother and had the Detroit gone down and Daddy been killed, I and my eight other siblings wouldn't be here. Nor would any of our children and many grandchildren.
Thank you, Lord, for protecting both my parents (and my brother) on that day and for getting Mom safely back to the mainland. And on this day of remembrance, please look gently on my dear mom and dad and welcome them into your glory if they are presently in Purgatory. "May the Divine Assistance remain always with us and may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen."
Sunday, December 6, 2015
From the Insanity File: St. Peter's Basilica to be Venue for Climate Change Ad!
Vatican, World Bank partner to launch Year of Mercy with St. Peter’s ‘climate change’ light show
The author of this article has this exactly right when he opens writing:
The Catholic Church, founded to shed the light of Christ on the world, has quite literally invited the world to shed its light on her.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Sister Lucia Didn't Think Much of the Bishops....
I continue to read Mark Fellows book on Sister Lucia and it is a real eye-opener. He quotes from some of her correspondence. In one letter she wrote:
God willing, the meeting with the Archbishop of Mitilene will have gone well, and His Excellency will not be one of the chicken-hearted...I think the best course would be that things be done with the bishops' full knowledge, but without them taking responsibility (as if they did not know), this is to say, to avoid the inconvenience of fears...Afterwards, when success comes, they can then declare that they took part in it.
Friday, December 4, 2015
From the Mendacious Media File: Pro-Lifers more Dangerous than Islamic Terrorists
The latest Islamic terrorist attack in San Bernardino got me thinking about how these episodes are portrayed.
Have you noticed how, when any violence occurs even in the vicinity of an abortion mill, the media goes into a feeding frenzy? They profile all pro-lifers as crazed terrorists. What are the facts? Since abortion was legalized fewer than a dozen abortionists have been killed and, in more than one case, the murderer has been a mentally unstable individual with no connections to the pro-life movement at all. But that doesn't prevent the mendacious media working for the New York Times or the Washington Post from vicious slanders about those "extremist pro-life Christians!"
Compare that with the way they bend over backwards to avoid profiling Islamic terrorists as, well, Islamic terrorists. Immediately after revealing that the latest act of terrorism was committed by a devout Muslim, they bend over backwards pretending that Islam isn't Islam and that the believers are really "fundamentalists" who are betraying the "religion of peace." The real threat these mendacious reporters insist comes from pro-lifers who, because they oppose ripping babies bodies apart, stir up violence. I'm surprised they haven't figured out a way to blame pro-lifers for the latest atrocity in San Bernardino. But, give 'em time. No doubt they'll find a way even though the real comparison is between those who behead Christians and those who behead babies. Planned Parenthood is filled with domestic terrorists. If the babies could speak (as they will on Judgment Day), they would give articulate witness against the murderers of innocence.
The latest Islamic terrorist attack in San Bernardino got me thinking about how these episodes are portrayed.
Have you noticed how, when any violence occurs even in the vicinity of an abortion mill, the media goes into a feeding frenzy? They profile all pro-lifers as crazed terrorists. What are the facts? Since abortion was legalized fewer than a dozen abortionists have been killed and, in more than one case, the murderer has been a mentally unstable individual with no connections to the pro-life movement at all. But that doesn't prevent the mendacious media working for the New York Times or the Washington Post from vicious slanders about those "extremist pro-life Christians!"
Compare that with the way they bend over backwards to avoid profiling Islamic terrorists as, well, Islamic terrorists. Immediately after revealing that the latest act of terrorism was committed by a devout Muslim, they bend over backwards pretending that Islam isn't Islam and that the believers are really "fundamentalists" who are betraying the "religion of peace." The real threat these mendacious reporters insist comes from pro-lifers who, because they oppose ripping babies bodies apart, stir up violence. I'm surprised they haven't figured out a way to blame pro-lifers for the latest atrocity in San Bernardino. But, give 'em time. No doubt they'll find a way even though the real comparison is between those who behead Christians and those who behead babies. Planned Parenthood is filled with domestic terrorists. If the babies could speak (as they will on Judgment Day), they would give articulate witness against the murderers of innocence.
The Vortex and One of My Favorite Bishops -- Rene Gracida...
...and one of my "least favorites," Cardinal Donald Wuerl.
Right on, Michael! And for those who want to hear straight talk from Bishop Gracida including naming names of Catholic clergy who helped institutionalize the culture of death, watch this video on the "Virus of Proportionalism."
Right on, Michael! And for those who want to hear straight talk from Bishop Gracida including naming names of Catholic clergy who helped institutionalize the culture of death, watch this video on the "Virus of Proportionalism."
Thursday, December 3, 2015
#Lucia-of-Fatima: The Whole World will be Communist!

What Our Lady wants is that the Pope and all the bishops in the world shall consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart on one special day. If this is done, She will convert Russia, and there will be peace. If it is not done, the errors of Russia will spread through every country in the world.Professor Walsh asked her if she believed that all the countries throughout the world, without exception, would succumb to Communism.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
#Trinity-Betrays-Women: Ah Trinity, to be named for the Holy Trinity and to be such a Judas!
I graduated from Trinity College (now Trinity University) in 1968. Nancy Pelosi was about six years ahead of me. Even then Trinity was losing her Catholic identity. But today I received a petition from TFP Student Action saying Trinity promotes Planned Parenthood on the university website as a "resource." I always check things out so I went and looked. Here's the page. Don't you know, killing babies and selling plugs and drugs to fornicating students (all in violation of Catholic Church teaching) contributes to women's health? Tell that to all the post aborted women who are "silent no more."
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Teaching Death to Nursing Students with Leo Tolstoy
Teaching Death to Nursing Students with Leo Tolstoy
11/27/2015 at 4:46 PM By Mary Anne Hackett
To make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from. ~ T. S. Eliot
We’ve come to the close of our annual month-long reminder of the obvious: We’re all going to die. It’s a truism that we learned as kids in Sunday school and CCD—the first of the four Last Things: death, followed by judgment, and then heaven and (rather, or) hell—although we Catholics are reminded of death year round. It’s front and center in our liturgy, our creed, and even our routine devotional prayers. “Pray for us sinners,” we repeatedly implore the Blessed Mother in our rosaries, “now and at the hour of our death.”
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