Never forget Terri and the fight to protect the weak and vulnerable! Tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of Terri's death. Falling on Holy Thursday, the anniversary of Judas' betrayal the date is fitting. Pray for Michael who is spending the anniversary whining that Governor Jeb Bush, "Put Me Through Hell." The irony of the headline is that Jeb Bush can't send anyone to hell; But Michael's actions, for which he shows no regret or repentance at all, are, indeed, soul threatening. He would do well to reflect on hell and the mortally evil actions, like murder, that set one on the brink of the abyss! Those guilty of unrepented mortal sins will spend eternity in hell. Please pray for Michael Schiavo and all those complicit in Terri's murder that they will repent. And ask Terri and her deceased dad, Robert Schindler, to intercede for him as well. God does not desire the spiritual death of any of His children. Let us pray for all those who murder the innocent that they will repent and return to the Lord. Their number these days seems to be legion.
The Execution of Terri Schiavo
Bobby Schindler Remembers the Look of Horror on Terri's Face
Visit the Terri Schiavo Foundation at http://www.terrisfight.org/